MMR in Blitz badly needs to be addressed

You’re defending someone that thinks suicide is a joke. You’re defending someone who has lied in every thread about their achievements. You’re defending someone who openly attacking 1600 players because they couldn’t win.

You can hide on your little classic alt all you want. Your opinion is irrelevant.

Adroi, shut up. I’m talking to you. I don’t care about Laz. I care about correcting your asinine ego that exists because you thought you were hot sh!t.

Pipe down. You’re garbage at wow and will be laughed off another forum board within 6 months.

Cry about it.

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Keep hiding. :rofl:

Do you think you’re not the problem when these things happen continually? Not one forum, not two, not even three.

No one liked you on the arena forums, general discussion, or the sob story forums.

Maybe some introspection for the 40 year old is due, but you’re trump level incapable of doing such a thing.

Enjoy being a 20 year player with 0 glads lmaoooo

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Imagine needing to hide on an alt so you can speak your mind. I don’t know who you are, nor would it matter either way.

I’ll say one thing though, getting glad has and always will be meaningless. If an achievement matters to you, than great. All of us play this game for fun. None of us are taking what we achieve here and doing anything with it. It’s not going on a resume. We aren’t telling our wives or gfs. It’s all meaningless. So if it’s important to you, great, but from my vantage point you’re too scared to even post on your main because YOU know you haven’t achieved anything worth showing.

So keep hiding little troll.

40 year old that can’t use the proper “than” vs “then”.

You don’t care about achievements or titles or rating but are dozens of posts deep going off about someone else’s rating and achievements.

Pot meet kettle moment.

I love when you refute nothing I say, you know it’s true, and that’s all I need.

Have the day you deserve, Adroi (:

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If someone wants to call me bad and accuse me of cheating, yes, I will call them out on it.

Keep hiding little troll. Come on bud, post on your main. Let everyone see who you actually are. Are you too scared? Don’t have the courage? I feel bad for you.

Sup, you’re bad. Do something about it.

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Does this kid actually think that me and you are the same person? I didn’t know that his disturbances and disorders went to that level until just now. I’m driving down the road and I get a pop up notification for This Thread about how he’s still unable to comprehend anything whatsoever that is told to him. Am I hallucinating or does he actually think that we are the same person for some reason? Is this how people cope these days?

“I hit glad on my other account.”

A few people from a certain Discord have told me that he got third party help and then stopped playing all together, if you know what I mean. It seems like it is the case.

Also I’m sure by now that he found my other license and looked up my old history ever since I posted that video. He’s pretty upset that he can’t reach any meaningful goal in the game. I’ve really been thinking about uploading my old footage and having fun with that but it might cause some sort of breakdown or severe disturbance when too much truth is applied all at once. He’s upset that a four-time casual Gladiator is above what he believes that he is, which is actually pretty bad he’s got the skills of about an 1850 player, which isn’t exactly bad but it’s not good either.

I told him that reaching 2.3 K was easy and I proved it, and now he just wants to sit here and be all upset that he had to stay inactive because if he queued up he would lose his meaningless little number. He’s one of those people that’s afraid to queue up because of losing rating even if it’s late in the season. Just signs of an 1850 player 1850 playering. Also that is absolutely not to bash 1850 players, he’s just pretending he’s something he’s not and he shouldn’t be upset at someone else reaching 2.3 K rating that’s all. There’s a lot of other 1850 players like him that actually do the opposite of what he’s doing here. They are good people. But like I said 1850 isn’t bad or anything, he’s just upset that he had to hand over his credentials to a third party


This is what I’m here for man. That you’re talking about me on some discord is very flattering. Unlike you, I have proof of everything I have done, unlike you… who is so obsessed with your rating.

Nope, because it doesn’t exist. I have asked you to link the names, but you won’t… because they don’t exist.

You didn’t prove anything. Your armory still shows 2128.

You said you would hit 2.3 and didn’t and have to continue to lie about it.

I reached 2.3k whether you like it or not. You got 3rd party help for one character that didnt even come close to reaching gladiator, much less 4 different classes on a couple accounts like me. Maybe you should ask your sliding scale doctor about Invega or Haldol. That’s between you and your physician. Thanks for watching one of my old videos of my main rogue dominating 2.4k+ RBGs. Theres a lot of footage of me destroying people like Mud and other players in 3v3 and 1v1 dalaran sewers also. Oh yeah and lets not forget Xelonith. Another player who like you, had severe disturbances of the mind, and got caught losing pretty badly vs me. Thats one clue you can search for. Hes a lot like you but a little less obsessed with being an 1850 player like you. Ran into some R1s and played vs them also for a couple years too. They were the only challenge ever. It was so fun. You don’t have fun playing the game. You enjoy beinf on here wondering why someone else who plays casually is 300 rating higher than you on a brand new character.

2.3k is very easy and you couldn’t even try to do it. Much less gladiator range. Try playing a different game and get the nightmares of me out of your depressed mind.

I have thoroughly enjoyed getting this rating or higher on 4 different classes and running into more hardcore players.


Also nope.

I didn’t. I don’t go to random links people post.

You didn’t hit 2.3. Your armory still shows your correct rating.

You didn’t.

Well that was fun.

Adroi trynna argue with the Big Laz… Fool.

Nah but fr, Laz jokes a lot. Adroi takes this game way more serious than he should.

Match made in heaven.

This is a silly take, it’d be like me saying you support mistreating women because you pay a company known for it $15/month despite it occurring.

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Only when people accuse me and others of cheating. If you want to defend that, go ahead. Seems odd to me though.

What’s silly? Them mocking suicide?

Go take your metamucil & night time medicine Adroi. I’m not here to go back and forth with you today, I know you’ve never respected your own time but others do.

Your take is silly, that’s what I said in the first 5 words. Try to read, try to count. Although judging by your inability to grasp than vs then, it seems you’ll be unable to do so.

I hope your day is truly awful, I mean it.

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You don’t have to. It’s a pretty simple thing. If you think accusing people of cheating is fine, again… by all means.

Agreeing with me on some things and not everything is fine you know? Whatever.

Sure thing dude. I asked you a simple question, sorry being civil and answering is too much for you. Can only imagine what people like you are like in real life. Must be miserable that you have to trash people online.

He is literally lying about the whole su($ide thing. It’s one of his delusional fairy tales. Everyone here knows that I’ve never said anything like that he’s just making up stories.

His whole life is invested in this game, and when a casual player surpasses him easily after claiming to be able to do so, while providing proof and debunking everything he says, he defaults to self-victimization. Basically surpassing him in the game is like surpassing him IRL by 10 fold.

I never mocked what this person claimed that I mocked by the way, and you will never find that ever happening. It’s just a delusion in his head. I’m not sure how many hours this person spends at the computer desktop, but it’s probably on unhealthy levels.

I’m just glad at the last minute I was able to reach 2.3k and get all the stuff for my characters.

The comments you made were removed and rightfully so.

I enjoy this game and those who accuse others of cheating ruin that experience. That said, you’re the one that has to lie about achievements, as if they matter.

Still nope. You’re welcome to prove this by posting a sreenshot, but you won’t.