Using as a reference for estimated daily active players: (Ranked in order of total accounts, not daily active players)
WoW - 2.22M
Destiny 2 - 1.07M
Final Fantasy 14 - 3.26M
Old School Runescape - 2.19M
WoW Classic - 968K
Roblox - 442K
The Elder Scrolls Online - 553K
Elite Dangerous - 315K
Runescape - 738K
Guild Wars 2 - 584K
Star Citizen - 401K
New World - 1.57M
Black Desert Online - 437K
Star Wars: The Old Republic - 285K
Conan Exiles - 372K
FF14 is slightly ahead of WoW + WoW Classic. Leading up to the release of a major FF14 expansion. During a major WoW content drought. During community backlash and lawsuits. On the heels of what is so far a second “bad” expansion in a row.
I highly doubt the downward trend will continue. 9.1.5 looks to be the start (just a start, not a full throttle fix) of a brighter future. Too little, too late? Maybe. Maybe not.
sorry but disagree people come back for patches and expansion but find out it the same stuff and they get fed up. World of warcraft did a lot of stuff recently because of the issues they been dealing with and if it didn’t come out pretty sure they wouldn’t had given us all these new tweaks and etc they are giving us.
Just one subscription grants access to both WoW and WoW Classic.
Many players may actively play in both WoW and WoW Classic. Those players will get double-counted if you just add up the two numbers, making WoW look financially healthier than it actually is.
As such, it is quite possible that FF14 may be more than just “slightly ahead”.
Also, while I haven’t verified this, my impression is that in terms of active players WoW is in free-fall while FF14 is increasing. My server is empty, the server economy is collapsing and both my guild’s raid teams burnt out and stopped raiding. Over half my guild members quit the game since 9.1 came out. Even at peak times the number of guild members I see online is at most a quarter of what it was when 9.1 came out.
I disagree.
Patch 9.1.5 isn’t a major content patch. It offers virtually nothing new in terms of new content to entice players back to the game.
Historically, significant numbers of inactive players come back to WoW only after major content patches or new expansion releases. Never after minor update patches like 9.1.5.
Hello, I see you made a thread about MMO populations. Did you know that approximately half of the World of Warcraft players are burner accounts to post nonsense on the forums!?
I feel it’s just what they do later in expacs where they remove a lot of the gates and grinds to make things more accessible to alts. Not really an indication of any change.
MMO pops has never proven to be a good source. People have done some math to try and figure out how they even got those numbers and it doesn’t add up.
based on “online sentiment.” because there are no reported sub numbers.
and it would be hard to combine that “sentiment” when you consider there are multiple regions that have wow. the us servers and maybe the EU servers might combine like that but what of the others?
Hello, I see you replied to my post. It looks like you are having trouble distinguishing a joke from a serious comment. I wonder what else you have trouble distinguishing from when it comes to serious and not so serious discussions! Scary thought, indeed!
Hard to tell some times because I gotta wade through a low of stupid on these forums lol. Also hard to tell tone of voice over a text based medium. Have a good one
Blizzard supporters always trash pessimistic posts that get their data from that source, but turn around and use it when they think it is to their advantage?
There’s only a few hundred posters on the forums nowadays. Hopefully there’s more than twice that in the game.