MMO Health?

This is a troll post. Starts with a question, ends with a question and offers nothing.

Gonna stop you right there. This isn’t a good source to use. They still claim Wildstar has a population.

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Maybe not forever, but it feels like it will for a while.

The past few months feels like WoW procced Cheat Death. Time will tell if they’re able to get a re because their healer is full trapped at the moment.

If you click on the games individually it shows an activity chart and does reflect Wildstar is dead. Not sure what their metrics are for ranking as it still has Wildstar higher than some games that still have daily players despite Wildstar having none.

If you look at each individual game, the numbers match and it’s current up to today’s date. Not sure how accurate they are, but it feels like those are accurate. Whatever that means. lol

This. It’s too late because the damage been done on the franchise and it’s less likely to recover anytime soon. They have to do something amazing in their next expansion if they want some subs to come back, but as of right now don’t expect much.

If anything if WoW does recover there’s going to be more competition to compete with. They won’t be this amazing company that was bestowed upon their them years ago. They’ll just be another niche company with an unfortunate bad history.

However, that is just counting players. Not paid subs. With FFXIV offering a lot of free content, I’m guessing that a large chunk of the number cited by the OP is playing for free.

That being said, the MMO market is a shell of what it was 10 years ago. At that time, this game had more players, and subs, than all those other games combined.

But the FFXIV brigand will still use it as a primary source.

Here ya go:

Maybe it’s not so accurate…

That’s our favorite kind of data though, isn’t it? Completely made up! :joy:

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We track over 100 MMORPG games hourly and feed the data through an algorithm that has been refined over time. This enables us to calculate the estimated player number, subscriber count and more of each game.

Some stupid little side message like that might be enough for any chipmunks that read it but I want to know how they track how many players are logged into the hundreds of realms worldwide.

MMMO-P has always been trash even before the FF14 growth. No one takes this site seriously in the community because its affected by social media and doesnt have any indicators of in-game.

I would take any addon plugin population counter more seriously, and those are equally as faulty in numbers.


It’s virtually impossible to work out accurate subscriber counts for MMOs today, and this site cannot do that. However, there does exist a need for people to be able to gauge the activity, growth, decline, and popularity of MMOs.
So, we do it based on reddit subscriber information. We track the current subscribers, active users and history of both. This helps you to choose an MMO that has the required “activity” you’d like to see, or perhaps you are just interested.

:skull: How many of you are subbed to wow related subreddits? Me? 0.

Well at least I know, that’s nice :slight_smile:

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Adding up those numbers implies that over 15 million individuals logged in to one of those MMORPGs last month.

Sorry, but I don’t believe that for a second.

I personally have logged in to WoW and FF XIV during the last month so I show up twice. And I suspect there are quite a few others like me. So these numbers are inflated to some extent (exactly how much I have no idea).

Only Blizzard knows for sure how many MAUs are currently there for WoW and WoW Classic.

What!? It’s based on reddit sub counts?! That’s even worse than I thought

Yeah that’s not going to be that accurate at all but at least they also acknowledge that and are forthcoming with their method so that’s good on them :+1:

Remember; this was in their about section before they removed it after the site got called out.

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So WoW is no.2? Is that what I’m seeing here? That’s good, no? Or does the mentality of “If it’s not BiS, it’s trash” extend to the population of the game itself?

Yeah, I had never seen an explanation of their methods before so that explains why

Now I just wish people would stop posting their data like it’s an official source



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That website uses false information and really needs to get a sticky post.

MMO Populations: So, we do it based on reddit subscriber information. We track the current subscribers, active users and history of both. This helps you to choose an MMO that has the required “activity” you’d like to see, or perhaps you are just interested.
Total players = (Subscribers * 54.0614)
Activity rating = (Active users/Subscribers) * 50000 (caps at 10)
Daily players = (Total players * 0.095 * (Activity rating/10)

TLDR mmo population just runs a formula on the reddit sections online users + subscriber count and tries to pass that information off as being accurate.