"MMO" gaming mouses for WoW don't seem to last? (hardware-nerds get in here)

Ugh… so I notice the “middle” button (the one in between left click and right click, also the one that controls zoom out/zoom in) decided to stop working? The rest of the mouse seems fine, it’s just that specific button that apparently crapped out :-1:

I use the “middle” button quite heavily for movement since it’s convenient, but with it suddenly not working it’s feeling awkward :man_facepalming:

Anyone successfully “unbroken” this middle mouse button specifically? It seems to be a recurring theme that it goes bad, this is the 4th MMO mouse in a row where the pesky “middle” button goes bad after about ~18 months or use

other details: the mouse in question is the Amazon-brand “UtechSmart Venus”, I’m on the 4th one since 2019 and the “middle” mouse button failing seems to be a recurring theme…

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I’ve been using this one since 2020, still going strong. Doesn’t even show signs of wear and tear. Plan to replace all my peripherals with Redragon as they wear out.


…but does the “middle” mouse button still work (used for movement and zoom in/zoom out)? That’s the only question on my mind :laughing:

Can you still move your character around using the “middle” mouse button?

If the middle button is still working on that thing 4 years later I might have to go buy some Redragon stuff I guess, cause this “middle button suddenly stops working” recurring theme is getting old

Every single button on this thing still fully functions, including that middle mouse button. :wink:

I’ve played WoW consistently since Cata and I’ve had two Razer Naga mice in that time, they’ve done me well. No, the middle mouse button / scroll has never broken.

I don’t remember the issue with my first mouse, but I remember thinking it was reasonable given the usage.


Him I do have skills on my middle click.

About 5 years using my Razer Naga Trinity if that appeals to you.

I use the 2 button side (the 9 button was too much for me), and have programmed the middle buttons to - and =.


Logitech G600.

I’ve owned 4, only replaced 2. And it was replaced within the last year.

Let me say it this way. I have used the same mouse, at home, for like 5-6 years, roughly 6-14hrs of daily abuse on WoW, HOTS, and Overwatch. In ~12 years, I absolutely abused those mice in those games. I’m on my 3rd G600 for gaming in ~12 years.

You can easily expect 4 years of life out of it.

I use a G600 for work as well. The mouse has everything I want.

  • Heavy
  • Onboard memory profiling
  • Every button can be reassigned/remapped.
  • Macros enabled.
  • 3rd mouse button for clicking.
  • Mouse Wheel left/right clicks.

I don’t need all 20 buttons, but I can choose to use them ofc. I’d rather have more than I need in case I do find a use for it later.

But the G600 is very heavy. Compared to the mice at the office other people use, mine is a brick. But it’s a good brick. This brick is usually sold at the $30-40 USD range.


I’m still using the Steel Series Cataclysm mouse.
Apparently PC components had an era when they were built to last. :stuck_out_tongue:
So far, the only thing which has failed is the exterior coating.

I have no idea what I’m going to do when this old thing dies. :sob:


Is there a variant with a 7 button side wheel?

For the thumb? I think the newer models of the logitech mice focus more on style than function. I’m not sure, but I’m assuming not.

Oh I totally believe it :rofl:

Back in 2014 I sold my brother my gaming PC at the time (i5 2500k, Radeon 7850, 8gb RAM, etc) since I was upgrading to something new

Last I heard (as of January 2024) that little i5 2500k chip is still humming along and the PC still runs fine, he’s not a gamer but he just uses it as a daily-driver/generic internet browser rig in his living room

12+ years later and all the parts still work, it was definitely a better era for product quality

I also like Redragon’s MMO mice but I use the M901 myself. It’s about 3 years old and in great condition. It fits my hand the best out of all the MMO mice i’ve tried including some of the popular ones like Razer Naga, Corsair Scimitar, and Logitech C600. The Scimitar I found extremely uncomfortable. Both the Naga and Logitech were good mice with comfortable grip but both also broke down way faster than the M901 and the M901 is like 1/3 the price.

great grounds for recommendation :joy: :joy:

It is well known by now that Logi is skimming on quality to save a penny here and there.
Many people have replaced their G604 thrice, yes, THRICE if they have the patience for it. At that point Logi advises “this will be our last replacement for the original item.”
Google anywhere what to do when the side buttons inevitably pop out, everyone will say replace it bro.
Logi is also not using the appropriate switches for the left/right clicks, they shouldn’t be able to handle the capacity very well which causes unwanted clicks, no clicks, etc.

In 12 years :wink:

And to be fair, the first one was replaced because the hammer on left-click had worn down so much that it was failing to make clean contact, thus misclicking.

ok, that’s fine, before modern times I would have said go with Logitech too, but in a thread asking for recommendations in 2024, you’re doing a disservice to the readers, and now you’ve made it apparent that you already knew this.


you can tell just by holding it.

it’s very solid, hefty.

same with the Creative Sound Blaster WoW headset.
no chance of falling off, comfy and plush on the ears, nice and solid materials and construction.

(and the voice changing ability was awesome, I used to switch it to “illidan stormrage” before joining pug raids, and ventrillo didn’t explode with “OMG GURL” when i spoke) :laughing:

A disservice? Lol.

A good product from ~12 years ago that has all the “modern” features is still a modern mouse. Razer Naga’s lasted 2-3 years back then. Most of the top selling mice today aren’t worth the plastic. The G600 is reliable product. It’s a mouse. It just needs to have a good life and not break in 2 years. G600 will probably last longer than half the employees at a company.

Yes, you are a disservice. Did I stutter?
Everyone who knows this industry knows not to recommend the g600 series in 2024, and the latest one, g604 is now discontinued. Why are you keeping this going?

“Everyone knows”

Explain why. Link an article. Enlighten me.

I used to use Razer Nagas. The plungers always broke within a year.

I now have a Logitech G600 that works fine but all the finish has worn off after about a decade, and am now using a newer G600. I have two more at work because they stopped making them so I’m hoarding supply.

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