Its not “3 seconds” you potato. Its been explained several times over several threads.
And if you honestly think its just 3 seconds, you do not play mm and you are bandwagoning just to flame people.
And you clearly spend more time bullying on the forums than playing the game. You have no raid prog. No dungeon prog. You barely even run delves.
Like what DO you actually do other than yell at people on the internet about things you don’t even participate in?
One of us comes from a place of honesty, the other just wants to be hostile and argue for the sake of arguing. You are nothing but a bad faith poster and you bring nothing to the thread but hostility.
Anyway. Im done indulging your nonsense. Enjoy the complex. And enjoy no pet in a few weeks.
What is sad is he is so dense, he can’t even comprehend he starts literally all the hostility and interactions and claims he is just “flipping it back”.
Its not productive. He is literally a bad actor just instigating. I would not call them an ally on the pro pet front. It doesn’t help what you are trying to convey and it just creates a lot of negative noise.
Not that there are not some, not you, on the anti-side that do the same. The issue is ones like him, on the pro side, and some on the anti side that do the same cause the message that both side are trying to convey to be lost.
Ones like me might want to do the gibbs slap to ones like him, but feel we come under attac as well due to his actions and the actions of similar on the other side, so we can’t really tell ones like him to cease while tsaking the shots from those on the anti side, again not you in particular.
You guys understand that Blizzard has access to endless amounts of data on what talents are rolled with each specialization, right?
Did it ever occur to you that Blizzard saw a massive trend with MM and saw an opportunity to reshape the spec in a new image?
This isn’t a matter of not needing the pet and having it as an option anyways. This is a matter of “Hey, people who play MM are leaning almost too heavily on this one talent. Perhaps we should overhaul the spec so that there’s more interesting talent permutations rather than the majority of players being funneled down this singular path.”
Actually, with the way Blizzard is dealing with the overhaul, it does come down to the removal of the option for a pet. The overhaul is making it so that MM hunters lose the ability to call a pet I, and othes, have provided ideas that could accomplish what they are intending without removing the option for a pet. It might not be easy to program/balance, it might not be optimal in content, but it keeps the option and makes the biggest number of MM players happy.
Before saying what it is a matter of, maybe try reading and see if some say the idea and vision is sound, but the execution is what needs looked at, you might find it is the exicution that is dictating what the matter is.
this whole MESS became a thing because M+ people were whining about having to summon the pet, lust and dismiss, to fix that they are removing the ability to summon the pet and backing lust into the spec
Only CLOWNS are happy with this kind of fix.
Like i said before, you don’t get to play victim after you have being doing the same and telling people to play BM.
Case in point, when you run out of bs arguments you come with ad hominen. Still thinking there is only dungeon and raid in the game, again completely forgetting PVP exist, truly the joke keeps giving.
Im pretty happy with my goal to get Rival in my different alts and their specs, with the limited time i get to play, this is one of the first time i have current expansion to play.
And delves? i already got 11 delve without dying when it was harder did with my warrior and my hunter MM with a cool looking scalehide tanking the crap out of the 1m web bolts
I know the first one is not you, since you are not honest, you must be the second.
And I’m telling you that there’s probably a reason behind that. Blizzard just didn’t wake up one morning and decide to remove pets for no inexplicable reason. You want to sit here and act like Blizzard is making this decision out of spite against MM hunters. I’m saying there’s a likelihood where this was a decision informed by MM hunter trends.
Blizzard can make wrong decisions, but they’ve also made right decisions, and I’m not about to swear off any change made to this game because of the former. I will wait and see, as should everyone.
I will say, however, that Blizzard has rarely ever missed the mark when it comes to spec and class fantasy. These changes are wholly aligned with the MM fantasy.
mm not needing pets at all should be a dream come true. everyone should be clapping with excitement.
i guess there’s more open world content enjoyers than i thought or something. i dont see any reason to want a pet as MM unless youre doing trivial open world content and want a tank for some reason… even then it’s not needed at all… could always switch to BM if anything.
Don’t make me invoke Hanlon’s razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. I never think Blizzard does these things out of spite, I think they do them out of failing to look at other aspects of the game, like if the changes are being made cause M+ and raiders are tired of losing DPS to provide the lust, fine, provide the changes for that content and make it so the changes can trickle down to lower content, but keep the option of a pet, for those that want it as a tank/tool to use in solo content.
If ti was not needing the pet at all in group content but keeping it as an option for solo, I;d be over the wall, I HATE having to call my pet because no mage, shaman, evoker or even a BM hunter is in the group.
I hate the need vs. want argument at times, to me it is more about is it requited or not, some might need it, as they have issues using their CC, some don’t cause they are masters at using their CC, some are in the middle and just might need the reason to leanr and adjust. But, imo, a pet should NEVER be required for any hunter spec but BM.
WoD: Level 100 talent. Tightly tuned with Focusing Shot depending on the content, well ahead of Exotic Munitions. Also gave Hunters a flyout to use pet buffs on the raid (this was back when pets gave the raid 5% AP, 10% stamina, etc)
Legion: Level 15 talent. Intentionally overtuned compared with other level 15 talents. During Legion Beta, Lone Wolf was baked in and non-optional, but this was changed before 7.0 prepatch.
BfA: Baseline optional passive. Tuned to be roughly on par with a pet for single target, but fell WAY behind in AoE. During BfA Beta, Lone Wolf was a baseline non-optional passive, but this was changed before 8.0 prepatch.
SL: Baseline optional passive, same as BfA. Did not change for the entirety of SL.
DF: Optional talent. Having the talent did not prevent you from using Call Pet, but you lose the damage bonus if you have a pet out.
TWW Live: Optional talent. Having the talent does not prevent you from using Call Pet, but you lose the damage bonus if you have a pet out.
TWW 11.1 (proposed): Call Pet removed entirely for MM.
No. When it was introduced in WoD, it was a talent. When it came back in Legion, it was a talent. It was removed as a talent (and became a baked in optional thing) for BfA and SL, then back to a talent again for DF and TWW.
This is false. It was a talent choice before it was anything else.
is correct because that is what happened in DF and TWW up till next patch. It is one of those right in some areas, wrong in others, but I never said he was completely right like some could take what you said as him being completely wrong.
People were upset about it. Not 10 years ago, because it was an optional level 100 talent, but 8.5 years ago, when it was mandatory during Legion beta. Which is why it wasn’t mandatory when Legion prepatch released.
People were then upset about it, again, about 6.5 years ago, when it was mandatory during BfA beta. Which is why it wasn’t mandatory when BfA prepatch released.
This is factually incorrect. At no point in the live game has MM been unable to use Call Pet.
This is factually incorrect. It was a talent choice before it became a baked in part of the toolkit. Then it became a talent choice again with the new talent design in DF.
This accurately describes the behavior, yes, but again, the post I quoted originally was outright wrong on the facts regarding when and how Lone Wolf was implemented. Nevermind that it was also wrong on its base assertion - that nobody complained about MM losing pets for the last 10 years - player feedback is literally the reason that Lone Wolf hasn’t been mandatory.
He was completely wrong. His basic assertions (that Lone Wolf used to be mandatory, that it was baked in before it became a talent, and that nobody complained about it until now) are all provably incorrect.
This is all that I was trying to get across, and give a nod to, you are right on everything else of course, but for me it was a case of all the wrong thinking and procedure coming up with the cooect ending that we have now.
When a guy is dismissive, saying “Well you should have complained 10 years ago”, and he is provably wrong on every part of his statement with regards to the history of the ability, why do you feel the need to defend that he was right in describing how the ability currently works on live servers?