MM losing pets, what’s next?

How? If that’s the case, it would literally just be a spell effect with no player interaction at all.

We already saw this same dance before, twice. They rework the spec by removing the pet → community complain they put the pet back

Dont need to, since we already know they are going to remove the pet

We do, it will feel bad because we will not be able to summon the pet

Is that hard to understand?

It was, and it was about having the choice to pick a pet or not.

a PET is a HUNTER fantasy, not spec specific, all hunters have pet as part of their fantasy.

The difference is:
BM → have more than one, its a zoo
SV → fight alongside his pet in melee
MM → can chose to have a pet or go solo

then you should be advocating for a new class and a new spec, not changing the SPEC people enjoy for years.

Not rly.

No one want a fake pet doing stuff on your screen when you are suppose to be a “solo sniper”, its a forced visual on people who dont want it.

Let me put it this way: when collecting data for open world, do you count leveling, which might use the pet as a tank because they lack the skills and/or burst to kill without one, do you count casuals who might be without a pet 99% of the time, but call one to deal with elites when no one else is around?It is very muddied, and gets even more so when you consider that, for open world, one can take the talent Lone Wolf but sacrifice the damage increase for that pocket tank, so you can’t even go by spec as far as who has a pet or not.

The thing is, 80% of MM hunters might not use a pet in group content, but 90% might use it in open world. There is ZERO data that can be concise for how many use a pet or not in open world, but VERY concise data for who uses one in group content.

You are trying to pass off the idea that Blizzard is using data from all aspects of the game, when they stated that the reasoning for the changes was due to complaints from M+ runners and raiders.

Didn’t realize I was speaking with a clairvoyant lmao

If it sucks, the pet will get added back. If it’s good, then more than likely people won’t care, and the people that do will gravitate to BM.

You don’t really know how this will pan out, because MM has never had a revamp as significant as this one, even with the previous times they removed the pet option. You can continue to make assumptions about it, but that’s all they will be until we’re able to experience the changes for ourselves lol

And more often than not, people have routinely picked no pet. That’s why they did it twice before, and why they’re doing it a third time. There is a clear and continued friction between the MM playstyle and how players want to play it, and the pet companion lol

If Blizzard introduced a dedicated ranger class, it would inarguably clash and conflict with the MM spec, meaning Blizzard would have to significantly alter/gut MM to make room for it.

You guys are already making a stink about the removal of a pet. I don’t think any of you would be able to handle that, so no thanks lol

outlaw rogues did lose shadowy duel and the extra charge of shadow dance, though.

Keep in mind, there are at least 2 different kinds of MM hunters:

  1. those that go pet for everything, only having it out for lust
  2. those that use it in open world/solo content, and only have it out if lust is needed in group content.

Both would likely LOVE to go pet less in group content

Likely true, but more people that wanted the option blasted them with backlash so they reverted.

Friction that might not exist if Blizzard just made it clear that the pet was the “party” for the hunter when the hunter was solo, and the party replaced the pet for group content, at least as far as MM goes.

You know the funny thing is actually what happened is the oppossite. Outlaw didn’t have like any stealth premise after legion then they forced it down peoples throats with the tree changes in DF. It’s a big reason a lot of people, me included, don’t play the class as often. Personally it was a double hit because I thought it was a perfect time to bring back old pirate fantasy abilities as an option like cannon barrage and parley and instead they added stealth to the one non stealth based rogue specs

??? Its in the blue notes my guy

They are going to remove our ability to summon our pets and force us permanently with a dumb bird

There is no IFs here dude, understand, they are removing a core part of the class that the spec have, they are removing choice and player agency.

Any content that people did with the pet for years, you will have to do without it, there is no way this will feel good.

Except in WoD and Legion?

Only in high ending PVE content because the talent was stronger, not because player preference.

In other forms of content majority uses the pet.

The only “friction” was people annoyed to have to summon a pet to lust, then dismiss it in M+

This can easy be fixed without removing the ability to summon pets at all.

Why? because they are ranged and shot arrows or guns? paladins, warriors and death knights are doing what? playing volleiball?

No need for that

Make a new class, tinket, with ranger gunner dps

Of course, lmao, imagine if they remove destro and afflic the option to summon demons? if they remove stealth from outlaws?

those are dumb and unnecessary changes

Yeah, this isn’t what I meant. I’m saying you don’t know anything about these changes and how they will feel and play out. You’re making wild assumptions that are mostly founded upon your sheer anger that they’re removing the pet lol

Guess we’ll find out with 11.1 if that’s actually true or not.

Those weren’t significant lmao

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Let me say simple, if you can understand

ME+PET = Feel good

they are removing the pet

Me + X = not feel good

If my asset that i control and use for a variety of content is literally not available to me as a choice, i already know it will feel like crap.

ITs like saying i dont know how it will feel if they remove my hand, yeah, i think i know it would feel pretty bad

OF course they were, even MM mastery changed LOL

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Then play BM. That’s literally the “control pet” class and has been that way for years lmao ¯_(ツ)_/¯



:clown_face: gO pLaY bM hUntEr :clown_face:

I don’t know what else to say to you. If you’re this held up over not being able to control the pet, then play the pet spec. Why is that so hard to understand lmao


Whatever you say dramatic butterfly.

All hunter specs are pet specs, therefore i should control then in all

MM is the only spec i can CHOSE not to.

why its so hard for you to understand they are robbing players of an option and choice when it was not necessary while clowns celebrate?


And we are actually the majority of the playerbase.


You say I’m incorrect, but then you go on to agree with me that it was a baseline ability. Baseline means it’s not optional; you didn’t have the option to select it as a skill or talent. If you ran a pet, you lost the 10% damage bonus because Lone Wolf was baseline. It’s the same thing if you opted into picking the talent but ran a pet anyway. I’m not sure why anyone would do that though.

No, not really. I already explained to you once that MM hunters have always existed in this grey space under the hunter tree. By design, it has always been Blizzard’s ranger-adjacent spec, with the pet being incidental to that experience simply because of where they allocated it.

You controlled the pet because MM is under hunter, not because the hunter fantasy is a critical component of MM lmao

You’re being unbelievably overdramatic lmao

Robbed. Sweetheart, you still have options. Again, if the utilization of a pet is this large of a dealbreaker for you, then you shouldn’t have been playing marksmanship to begin with lol

No, I think that’s you. You’re ignoring half the stuff I said just because you want to pick it apart. You do you though, what I said isn’t wrong. It was a baseline ability for a while and not a talent you could opt into selecting. You literally agreed with me by saying it was baseline in BFA and Shadowlands. It is a talent now though, that you can opt into selecting.

If you read that as one whole statement instead of picking it apart, it’s actually correct.

  1. It wasn’t always optional for MM, it was in fact baseline for a period of time.
  2. They did have it baked into their toolkit at one point (that’s what baseline means). It’s irrelevant whether it was before or after it was a talent.
  3. They could play with a pet while it was baseline, but why would anyone do that? They lose 10% damage.

You’re not arguing whether or not I’m right or wrong, you’re arguing semantics. What’s the point? We both know it was baseline for a period of time, and we both know you could call a pet while it was baseline. No one did that though, because they lost 10% damage if they did… Blizzard’s “illusion of choice” strikes again.

Yep, yes really. for 20 yars pet are a core part of the hunter class and all specs are able to access it.

I already explained to you MM always had the pet, and they are unique by having the CHOICE of going without the pet.

Exactly, Mm is a hunter SPEC, and pets are a core part of the hunter, by association the pet is core part of MM, but it is_also_ core part of the MM spec, to have a choice to opt not using a pet.

It is, and always has being.

Nah, i think im being pretty spot on.

there will be no option to use or not a pet in MM, everyone will be force to have a fake bird.

Marksmanship had a pet for 20 years, why should i have not when they say its part of my class? LMAO

Like a said, is a clown fest

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