MM hunters have ruined bgs

I was just tryna be playful/sassy, sorry it didnt come across that way.

The point was 2v1s arent really the balancing point.

Just making a point that priests aren’t really that anti-hunter in BGs. Healers have more health and priest wears cloth, so they take more damage from sniper shot than other classes. My biggest sniper shots have come against healer priests and warlocks due to the large health pools. And if they take two back to back sniper shots, that can be up to 700K-800K damage coming out of nowhere.


I get that, i just kinda said priests off the top of my head. Was more tryna say that if its a 2v1 even healers can bully out someone

My original reply on priests wasn’t to you. Yes, though… if a healer survives the opening go in a team fight and has other healers things slog down a lot.

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ohp i didnt even say priests did i lmfao… Ima go to bed while im barely conscious.

its happening more and more you just get instakilled by 2-3 marks hunters at once

The natural Cycle of EBG.

Hunter Kill Class.
Class reroll Hunter.

It is a blessing to be killed by a hunter, you have been chosen to join the covenant.

Was browsing some streams earlier. First one I saw had SIX MM hunters on the enemy team in DWG. Hah.

I thought about making a yolo RBG of only MM hunters.

Yeah, and pray to God you get TOK. :stuck_out_tongue:

Slightly off topic, but not long ago someone in LFG was making YOLOs with all rogues. Didn’t matter the spec, just had to be rogues…lol.

Met a team of ten rogues in a rated BG in season one. It was ToK. It did not end well for them. :stuck_out_tongue:

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