Yeah, maybe, just maybe, trying to get rid of the pet, that is married to the hunter class theme, is a mistake.
What they need to do is add another class, like tinker into the game. The more they try to turn hunters into quasi other classes, the more it will break.
Blizzard actually listened to the majority and removed the pet as baseline. The only people using the pet were solo players and PvP players. The vast majority of mm hunters weren’t using the pet.
Be thankful you have a talent that lets you use the pet.
MM is fine, it’s just different. It performs very well, and Double Tap is a life changer. All the buffs to Explosive Shot synergizes super well with Volley, and Volley gives another charge to Double Tap to boot. It’s a burst machine during Trueshot.
People were saying it’s bad in PvP too but I’m tanking Priests, who are usually VERY durable against Hunters due to a passive 15% Phys Reduction buff, to 20% HP after I start my rotation.
I don’t know what is going on to have these Hunters swarm out of the woodwork and say this remake is bad, because every single part of it, save for GCD clunkiness, has been good.
What most people have a problem with is comprehending what is written.
2) Assumption. Which is another big mistake people make and can get them into some serious trouble.
Actually, they do owe me an apology for given me a hard time about MM Hunter.
I was right that unbreakable bond was a wasted talent and no changes to improve the MM Hunters. The Eagle was over hyped and Blizzard should have kept the lone wolf instead of removing it. My intuition that MM Hunter was going to be terrible and i was right.
I am not stating facts here, just my opinion. I am not stopping any players from playing MM Hunter or any Hunter class. They have the freedom to play what ever they want. That’s their choice not mine.
I’m using my pet doing solo content and world group content, I’m not having any problems. Things are dying fast enough for my tastes.
I just wish they’d fix our pet growl so I don’t have to go into my spellbook to turn it off and on.
This is not the 1st time Blizzard has caved in for the minority. Back 2012- 13 when Blizzard decide to get rid of pvp resilient gear, so pve players will not have earn two sets of gear. Alot of pvp players were very upset about that including myself.
I haven’t forgiven Blizzard for the mistake they made. Today, i am very PO about it. Now, they made another big mistake with MM Hunter. I am only angry at the things that i am passions about and not for things like M+ in which i careless about. Not my cup of tea.