MM Hunter class

Hunter got 2x reworks and is still terrible. Hire Azortharion or some other high end hunter players and get them to rework the class properly.


I open the game, look at my mm hunter, log and play something else. I keep hearing bad things so just avoiding it.

(Will play my hunter eventually but not feeling it atm)

Edited to add that I did take my hunter out and like the changes. Nothing to worry about.


If you’re that attached to pets then just go BM like you clearly want to.

The few cases where a pet is needed, Unbreakable Bond covers it. MM pets are never going to be beneficial for dps because they can’t be optional and also have any synergy at all.

The flow of MM feels excellent now, Streamline all day long. Hell, I’ve taken to using Windrunner Quiver even though it’s not recommended, Aimed Shot always being a 1s cast feels so good.


I am not talking about BM Hunters or pets. You need to learn to stay on Topic. Since your are not a fan, you have no idea what i am talking about. Learn to keep to up with me.

I have been the King :crown: of the beast off an on for about 18 years. I know all about Hunters. Right now i am very disappointing in MM Hunter. They are terrible before the patch and now after the patch. Nothing has changed for as being terrible. I expect Steak :cut_of_meat:, but i get hot dogs instead.

No one owes you anything.

If you dislike it, that’s fine and you should give constructive feedback, instead of trying to act offended.


Sorry to offend you, but they did in fact owe me an apology for given me a hard time about MM Hunters. I was right all along. That’s why they aren’t saying anything now.

The new MM being crap has nothing to do with pets sticking around. It’s because they just didn’t listen to the feedback on it.


What Blizzard did was ignore the feedback. That was their mistake.

MM hunter changes are fine. It’ll take time to relearn muscle memory for the different cadence of arcane/aimed shot, but otherwise it’s solid. The new utility is much appreciated.

If you’ve spent that long playing a hunter and don’t know that MM hunters are better without their pets, then I feel bad for you.


I’m not offended in the slightest. You’re the only one here that’s offended.

No. They don’t. Not everyone feels the way you do and trolling with a callout thread crying for an apology instead of giving actual feedback is less than constructive.

Just because they aren’t online, haven’t read your thread or any other number of reasons, doesn’t mean what you think it means. What a ridiculous assumption to make.


MVP and WoW Community are usually on my case no matter what i write. They usually give me a hard time about everything i do. Even when i am nice, they give me a hard time.

Which was? I see things coming from both camps, who should they have followed? Those who want no pets whatsoever and those who want pet with ranged attacks. BM lacks ranged variety, its just Kill Command spam which gets rather boring. The Plus Pet MM camp want a mix of both pets and ranged attack variety, MM does that.


No. They aren’t. No one knows or cares who you or I or anyone else is. No one pays any attention to who is who 99% of the time. You’re just trying to play victim for who knows what reason.

i am sorry you don’t like my opinion about how bad MM Hunters, but that’s how i feel about them. Nothing is going to change my mind.

As for now i’ll take a back seat and go play my Mage or another class until Blizzard can actually improve MM Hunters again.

You and other players found me in Customer Support making my claim.

Please read:

Absolutely nowhere does that claim I don’t like your opinion. Don’t gaslight.

I respond in threads where I can give information and don’t pay attention to who is posting— nor do I even remember who they were afterwards. I also have no clue what this has to do with anything.

If you have detailed feedback to give, then please go to the Hunter forum and make a constructive outline of what you’d like to see changed. As it stands, posting this thread here to call people out and play victim just makes it look like you’re trolling instead of wanting to have someone read what you want fixed.

Stop blaming others for your inability to post constructive feedback. Have a better night.



You should know that most players go the General Forums instead of other forums to either get or spread their information.
The other day i may a mistake by going to Customer support. Very bad idea. A waste of time and energy. Didn’t do me any good.

they probably ran the hybrids in old wow setup to not have pets suck in MM. so ran a watered down MM hunter.

They rant on 1 point to get a pet back. I will rant on more than 1 point to have that pet in MM not suck as much in classic/era.

based on my limited testing…I kind if wish classic got this as a #nochange lol.

I’ve always wanted to play MM but it has had so many problems. I just sorted myself out a fast paced build at the end of last season and was enjoying it. Now it’s all changed and is slow and boring again. BM is just tiring and lost it’s fun at the start of DF for me.
I’m staying with my frostfire mage for now. Less geared going into season 2 than my hunter but way more fun.