MM got nerfed in PVP

According to wowhead the patch notes reads " (With realm restarts) Aimed Shot no longer deals 10% increased damage in PvP situations." . What does this mean ? Does it mean aimed shot was doing 10% MORE damage than before ?

As I understand it, Aimed Shot had received a buff in BfA for PvP at some point to help compensate for how bad it was at the time.

Guess they never removed it until now.

No reason to take careful aim in Pvp now. Just take explosive shot. Mine crits for 6.8-7k and can be some nice burst. Especially since it ignores armor.

Just use double tap on rapid fire, you should be taking streamline anyways.


So they kind of just lowkey made us one shot harder. Especially with rapid fire conduits and the legendary.

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Nope. The reduced the power of the extra hit of aimed shot by DT by 50% as well.

Rapid fire is about to go crazy.

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I am ok with an aimed shot nerf, but are we also seeing a sub rogue nerf? As well as a ret nerf?




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Where can I find the notes on this?

Hotfixes: December 7, 2020 (

Well I think the nerfs are fair, and I am ok with them taking away some of our burst, but outside of that window in arena it is a little hard to get any meaningful damage out at all. But I will adapt I’m sure and be just fine.


Mmo champion. Lines it out really well. Ret did get nerfs. Sub rogue was only fixed on the glitch that made shadowy duel target have the rogue invisible thing as in the rogue was invisible to his duel target

There was also


  • (With realm restarts) Reverberation’s (Kyrian) increase to Echoing Reprimand (Kyrian) damage has been reduced by 30% when engaged in combat with enemy players.

though I don’t know how much of an impact that is going to make, if any.

Honestly i’ve been using DT on rapid fire anyway people dont really stop you when you cast it because they expect aimed shot to global them not rapid fire lol


it means explosive shot and the rapid fire legendary will be the new way to go.

it was a good nerf if it gets people to stop focusing on MM.

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Color me astonished that they took the actual sane approach and just nerfed Double Tap (and to a lesser degree, Aimed Shot as a whole) specifically in PvP. I was honestly expecting the spec to be eviscerated, as is Blizzard tradition.


Don’t worry, there’s still time.

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Shhh, they’ll hear you.

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One day I’ll be able to post gifs again ahaha.

Honestly, I’m also surprised they just nerfed aimed / DT in pvp only. They usually pull out the sledgehammer.