MM Dark ranger feels much better on the 11.0.5 PTR!

The game is not designed and balanced around PvP, and thats how it should be.
Having many activities is great, like I said about opt-in open world pvp similar to SoD’s Ashenvale and Stranglethorn activities.
But trying to say that entire aspects of the game should be designed and balanced around the actual, maybe 20%?, of the playerbase that does engage with PvP is wild.

I’d also love the see the statistics you have access to that show “only a small %” of people would play if Raiding and M+ were the only activities. Quite a bold statement.

By small %, I really hope you arent implying that less than 10% would be playing if only Raiding and M+ existed, because when I see the word tiny, I’m thinking single digits.

Not sure yet but they also completely scrapped the Dark Ranger tree and started again so it might now - it feels way better from my limited testing on the PTR.

I only tested how it felt to play and to see the effects I didnt really run numbers/ Black Arrow was critting for over 1m though.

I still don’t see the rapid-fire visual update that they say they did? anyone else?


Yes, it took me a minute to figure out what it reminded me of and it was the old school survival which was so fun. So glad they made all these changes. MM feels great now.


Hopefully Withering Fire gets some attention for the BM version.

When it triggers, it feels good. The problem is the trigger condition is every 4th Bestial Wrath. That means you’ll be two minutes into the fight before you get to use that monster of a cooldown. MM will get to use it at the beginning and then every two minutes after that.

There may be flaws in my logic that I’m not seeing, but I think Withering Fire needs to have a caveat. It triggers on the first Bestial Wrath and then every 4th Bestial Wrath after that. Just code a reset to require that you be out of combat for a full minute for the first BW to trigger it.

I’m not seeing it, but I think the arrows need to be thinner, and not these big bulky arrows. I would prefer needle like arrows/missiles.

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yes i agree. and i prefer glyph at least for shadowy or arcane style.

I played hunter to 1800 last season and no freedom or sac or anti heal felt really bad. Happy for you though

I’m really happy for players that wanted this since forever.
Now I hope Sentinel gets cooler visuals in the future.
The shooting stars visuals is a perfect start but hopefully the rest of the kit comes with some glow ups like the multishot procs to also call down some tiny stars instead of a hard to see circles?
Or like when we press True Shot we get a Lunar Beam that shines on us like when Tyrande channels Elune.

This has me so hyped. I got from 60-71 in just a few short hours before Electrical school today and cannot wait to get her to 80. I’ve had this sick transmog since Shadowlands when they released the “Dark Ranger” eyes for Nelfs as an exclusive Dark Rangeresque look upon completing some achievement. (Can’t recall which achievement off hand).

Raiding tonight on a rogue but am thinking of swapping to Dark Ranger next week as my main now! Those visual effects are quite stunning. As of the time of this writing, I see how underwhelming the effects are and rotation as a whole. But after witnessing the PTR rotation, WOW! And to be doing all of this on a transmogged Sylvanas, YEA PLEASE!!!

*I need to replace my leather pants to mail before I can transmog them. Don’t judge me haha

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Question. Do the rapid fires from the passive rapid fire barrage also trigger black arrow? I much prefer the visuals of rapid fire barrage to regular barrage bit sadly its not meta, would love if it became meta.

lets try it on ptr

Edit: Tested it with about 10 barrages(rapid fire barrage), it doesnt seem to proc it. Even if I was unlucky and it actually procs it, I dont think it would be noticable as much.

Darn. Well thanks for checking that anyway. Maybe someone at Blizz will see that and be like " that’s actually not a half bad idea…yoink!"

My issue with the new tree currently on the PTR is the illusion of choice. The hero talent Bleak Powder revolves entirely around Trick Shots–something you don’t even have to take in the Marksman tree–but if you don’t take it you have a completely useless hero talent.

Matter of fact, you don’t even have to take Multi-Shot if you don’t want to. Hell, you could avoid Rapid Fire and the left side of the tree entirely if you felt like severely gimping yourself… and that’s kind of my point: the illusion of choice.

This isn’t exclusive to hunters, of course, most class trees make absolutely zero sense. The lower talents have no synergy with the upper talents. You’re basically just picking things that used to be baseline and pretending you’re not being lead by the hand into the talents they want you to use. It’s absolute nonsense.

All that said, I’ve been enjoying the game again. Classes are fun to play. The asinine way talent trees are set up now doesn’t really affect the fun one way or the other. I’m looking forward to the reworked Dark Ranger just the same.