MM button bloat?

so far on my bars i have;
rapid fire
explo shot
implo trap

i wanted to go dark ranger which adds another button (black arrow). this just seems like a LOT of buttons. am i doing something wrong? is there something i can drop?
i’ll only be doing open world/tw dungeons/lfr. nothing more serious than that.

edit; here’s the build i use, i just copied it from a hunter in my guild wgo seems to have copied the wowhead guide. i’m only 71 currently.

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That is fairly standard. A lot of those can be macroed depending on your build.


and i realised i forgot kill shot on top of all those, heh.

which can be macro’d? i’m sorry, i onlyjust switched from bm which i finally got bored with. now i just feel very overwhelmed, but want to give it a real try.

Face it. Bm is broke. We all changed for now. I agree that the rotations are big and that there is no way to “specialize” to bring the in bloat down.

It sucks that hero talents, trinkets, set bonuses, armor crafted bonuses are just more auras to track.

I wish they would get rid of all mods and make skills that allow builds a bit of freedom in button choice and complexity. The current trees are illusion of choice as with beast master where if you skip basilisk collar you might as well not play.

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Oh god, A certain hunter will be around soon to tell you that its a you issue and that some AOE tuning aside, BM is fine lol

I havent played MM for two expacs but I used to Macro True Shot into Aimed shot so I was always pressing it on CD. Not sure if that is something people still do or not. but the rest of those you couldnt really macro together unless you were looking to do some sequence macro. which you could maybe sequence macro Exp shot and arcane together somehow. all of those seem like they would need to be individually cast and since most specs are priority based and less rotational based I cant imagine doing sequence macros for any of these would be beneficial

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Dark ranger’s black arrow is going to replace kill shot when its update goes live, dont worry :slight_smile:

But also, maybe its because I play nothing else than a MM hunter since cata im used to it and cant compare it to other classes, but I dont see a button bloat atm.

Your usual rotation goes like aimed shot + rapid fire when its off CD + arcane shot for ST and multishot+aimedshot+multishot+rapid fire + multishot in AOE. You can use volley and explosive shot on CD, or kill shot when its availible. Keep in mind I macroed salvo into volley. Steady shot when you need focus( I use it too few times that I didnt even get the talent, I use it to pass the time).

I made my build for casual pvp(BGs) but it works fine in pve as well as long as you arent gonna push high like you said.

Dont worry, its not as bloated/hard as it looks :slight_smile:

MM right now feels so much better than BM, especially for AOE and burst. Once you get the hang of the rotation, they’re really easy to play. The hardest thing to get used to is the lack of mobility vs. BM, but you will get used to it. If you chose Lock n Load that helps.

I macro Salvo into Multi-Shot and Volley. Just keep Salvo on the bar so you can track the timer or get a WA for it.

I wouldn’t macro True Shot and Aimed Shot. I’d rather have controll of that so I can line up CDs more precisely.

Oh yeah…and this is huge vs. the button bloat…but will it perform better than Sentinal??

That’s not even that much.

Also you can macro Salvo and volley together

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There isn’t any button bloat.

I agree, button wise, we’re in a nice place, but adding a button for Black Arrow, would be bloat, so I’m glad it’s replacing Kill Shot next patch.

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I disagree

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You mean the hunter showing less than my single target open world numbers in a dungeon. Yeah, that one is on ignore.

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If it performed better than sentinel then people would complain about sentinel. They gotta be exactly the same for them to perform same which is impossible. Then again, I think dark ranger would be better for ST and sentinel would be better for aoe but time will tell. Its okay if one is better than the other for different situations as long as the margin isnt enormous.

Thanks for sharing.

The amount of buttons is fine tbh (especially compared to specs like enh or unholy)
something like Bombardment being reintroduced would help to alleviate the amount of multishot GCDs spent in dungeons/aoe open world. Or even a choice node on salvo where it can operate like it did in season 1 of DF and auto procc itself every 45 seconds.

You don’t understand the concept of overall.

You clearly are mad you took an L on that discussion rofl.

Hunter have a easier time compared to other classes in the “buttom bloat” problem, i only felt that we had to many buttons with MM when i tried to grind arenas by the end of DF, but much easier time than my warlock or warrior.

If you manage to make some macros and keybind stuff you are good.

You recommend DR or Sent for Mythic+?

Except you have so many buttons you can use on a keyboard, dont need just your numbers for spells, shift keybinds as well, you have so many options.