MM button bloat?

Big talk for someone with godawful logs lmao

I’m not experienced in casual pve or mythic+ or above that; but sentinel probably?

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Dude, if you want to see button bloat.

Go play an enhance shaman in PVP. Or, atleast PVE.

I haven’t mained a hunter since bc and briefly in lk.

This is a 20 year old game, and for a long time every new xpac brought with it new abilities. Health pools grew, levels went up to 120. etc. It wasn’t until recently that we started seeing level/stat squish.

As far as button bloat, no MMO should require 4 rows of “buttons” to play. So, yes, there is major button bloat in WoW. But the hardcore kb cowboys think they’re more 1337 if they deny it and claim that you’re wrong, like having to press 30 buttons makes them a better player. On the contrary, having fewer buttons and knowing which ones to slot is more meaningful then emptying your entire spellbook onto the screen and play whack-a-mole.

I look at ESO and GW2, with their limited action slots as more fun because its more about positioning, action/reaction, and response times.

Listing spells without how they chain together or how frequently you press them muddies the water

For example you list Arcane and Multi but you press one or the other, right? It’s not like you’re scrambling to spend your Arcane Shots so you can then press MS.

You can just macro Salvo.

Implosion Trap? You don’t typically list CC/Utility/Defensives in this subject because yes, every spec would then have 25+ spells to factor.

The only spell I’d personally say is bloat is Explosive shot, it’s a press off CD spell that just deals damage. It has no further interactions to the spec. But is one pure isolated damage event bloat? I wouldn’t say so.