MM “eagle” hunter

I have a feeling that this eagle is like the arcane mage familiar bird that shoots arcane barrage.


It’s more like Angelo from Final Fantasy 8, randomly coming to Rinoa’s aid with different effects. Or a WoW reference, the Legion bodyguards who temporarily appear, do a few actions, then are gone again. I suspect the person who came up with it probably also watched Bravestarr from the descriptions they given.

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I do not want this. I went to a lot of trouble to tame some of my pets. Admittedly, I use them mostly for RP these days, but at least I can use them if I want to.



If only there was already a whole damn stable slot dedicated to a cosmetic non-controlled 6th pet so you could choose what it uses.

Or leave it empty and have none!

I hope not. If they’re taking away my Lone Wolf, then I better not have to see this dumb eagle thing and it better be passives or something.

And also still leave in the option for a pet.

It would’ve made more sense to just balance Lone Wolf. Why is it so hard to do that, but easy to balance one pet vs two pets for BM?


My guess is it’s like a familiar that they can use to see far off areas, a scout pet that lets them pull off some crazy shots. Idk if it shoots but I think it boosts aim and crit chance if anything. First thought when I saw they were doing that was that someone on the hunter development team has been watching the “how not to Summon a Demon Lord” anime and got the idea from something the elf does at one point. So…hey anyone who watched that knows what I mean but that’s what it felt like

the eagle might be like


Most of MM talents seem to involve proccing the bird and the bird proccing auto attacks.

I sure hope so. I don’t want to control a pet when running MM at all


Radical, so another way to get stuck in combat.


I mean the main issue was not being able to cast lust without pulling out a pet. So just add an ability that can do that while using lone wolf. In fact what do you know, they’re doing that anyway with this stupid eagle! Except that they’re also taking away pets from people who want them, and they’re taking away the option to be that “lone wolf” archer from people who enjoy that. Want to use the pet you like? Too bad! Want to go without a pet? Too bad! They’re taking away these two well established and loved flavours and replacing it with something utterly bland.


Idk about the pet balancing for bm. They even included a lovely disclaimer that it will be a dps lose :sweat_smile:

But with them removing barrage from mm and BUFFING it for bm… I don’t think they even know what they are doing right now.


Imagine if they could use an already implemented solution for that too.

Imagine retaining abilities of a pet while the pet itself is dismissed.


Just another reason to not play this hunter… lol

Says the old bitter ranged SV hunter as he warches the changes to MM.


If you want pet then play bm.


Never clicked with BM.

Also why invest in BM when in the next patch or two it will be “improved” like SV was and MM is about to be?


We really want BM to click, so now BM is going to take on greater aspects of beasts. Firstly BM will now no longer use bows, instead it now shoots poison like a cobra and fires quills like porcupine! Pets are also cumbersome so now players will call in iconic beasts from the series like Misha, Socks Jr., and Swiftwing. :slight_smile:


I did before TWW. I’ve tried again just today and it still feels bad. I swear we didn’t have to use steady shot in BM before. Am I misremembering? It has been a little while.

That was a looooooooooong time ago. Like cata/wrath I believe.


And then cobra shot replaced it for bm in cata. (replaced as in it became a primary over steady) I don’t think it was truly replaced/removed until later. It just became a “why are you using steady shot cringe” thing lol.


(I love this website)

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splints, thats BM not MM. MM hunters dont get the 6th slot and neither do survival