So i tried to call out the lack of Mistweavers on Beta. They invited all these streamers that had the “FISTBOIS4LYF” mentality and now Monk is one of the worst healers according to logs.
I think its about time we actually put Mistweaver spec back into review.
Id like for people to actual look at it from a 2 way street point of view and not “FISTBOIS4LYF” mentality. Actually look at it from a mistweavers perspective, Remember that we are the most under represented healer of all time and that a simple multi spec approach to mistweaving could result in not only more people trying it out but more diversity in the class and more attention in general for it from the Developer point of view. While Negative comments are not encouraged, id want to know why you disagree.
Mistweaving vs Fistweaving:
The talents for Mistweaving are there, they have amazing synergy between each other for last expansion… but in a world where evoker just shields and applies mass hots, and Druid is nothing but aoe hots and jumping hots. Mistweaving has lost its Jazz.
The unique interaction for mistweaver in general was Renewing mist and its jump, later the split chance. Now Druid gets it with their Covenant ability carry over.
Evoker has the Big boy Hot Covered which makes Enveloping mists that less potent. Reversion Also extends duration which for both druid and Monk is brutal in its self.
Monks PBAOE heal in Refreshing jade wind suddenly has a 40second CD this expansion where as the Druid Seed is what, 8? and Evoker Emerald Blossom is about 15seconds, but they can have multiple out at a time healing for 40-50k. Not a taken play style but the option is there. (Lower Refreshing jade to 20seconds and halve mana cost. Make it a toggle that drains your mana instead. when turns off, CD starts.)
Fistweaving Nightfae stomp build is fantastic and offers alot of interaction between it and the physical damage you are putting out based on the fight. It might need some tweaks up and down but if its your play style it is working.
Mistweaver however is suffering from the Randomness of Renewing mists jumping to splits, to enveloping activating renewing. While i dont want to see those talents changed outside of Higher %'s i would like to see some changes based on some Core Mistweaver talents like soothing mists, Jade serpent statue, Invoke, Sheilun’s Gift and Upwelling.
The solution is extremely clear to me but let me know what you think.
Jade Serpent Statue Changes
Move Jade Serpent Statue from Class tree to Spec Tree for Mistweaver. Make it an optional choice and replace Invoke Celestial with it. The Chosen Statue also follows the Mistweaver.
Jade Serpent Statue:
Jade Statue now heals 2 targets of its own Volition. It needs to also heals another targets when the monk starts healing with soothing mists but stops when the monk stops. Still works with Unison.
Red Crane Statue:
Eminence from MoP. ANOTHER physical damage heal that will work. Maybe not 100% in 5mans as it would stack with the already active Faeline stomp playstyle, but in raids it should be 100%.
The Red Crane statue heals a nearby target based on your physical damage.
Next step is to fix the Celestial thing because of change. Make Celestials a talent called Invoke after statue choice. This would basically just activate your chosen statue to do what it currently does + a little more.
Invoke Yu’lon:
Invoke the jade statue to summon the Spirit of Yul’on healing 6 nearby targets with soothing mists and using celestial breath for the duration healing 6 targets up to 15yards around it. (Unison should add 1 more to this target count and same effect as statue, when you start channeling, it channels 1 more target AND unison increases that again).
Invoke Chi-ji:
Invoke the Red Crane Statue to summon the spirit of Chi-ji. While summoned Chi-ji Jumps from target to target every 0.5seconds healing for (X), Chi ji also Grants 2 stacks of Eminence and reducing the cost and cast time of your next enveloping mist by 33%, stacking.
Change Upwelling from 6seconds to 2seconds, every 2seconds grants 4 Powerful bolts per pulse. Powerful Bolts will seek low health targets and burst them for medium amount.
Upwelling is something basically nobody takes and the reason is because it has such a long ramp up time. Change it to just have Hyper Bolts in the essence font channel.
Soothing Mists:
Soothing mists needs to feel useful again. While it is single target applying the statue changes turns it into a mini aoe while you channel on some one. The next step it to have some kinda interaction to save people with it, a real mistweaver feeling.
Resplendent Chi:
Resplendent Chi is an ability you can only use while Soothing mists is active on a target. Using the ability will cause the target to unleash Lesser Chi waves that bounce twice only on friendly targets. 1 Lesser Chi wave per person within 60 yards. 30second CD
This not only allows for Soothing mists to feel useful again but it actually has huge Synergy with Statue. I would say It is the Primary only target so unison does not make it over powered.
Zen Pulse and Mist step:
First of all i’m extremely glad zen pulse came back, it is GREAT for M+ and useless for Raid outside of Council atm (future fights are unknown). Zen Pulse needs some kinda interaction to help with Raiding for both Fist and Mist.
Maybe make it so when the Zen hits 1 target it heals for 3x the amount?
The other choice is to make Zen Pulse an optional talent and bring back Mist Step from MoP. This talent was under the old Monk talent tree and was not taken because Celerity and Tiger’s Lust were just better.
Looking at Dracthyr with Verdant Embrace and Rescue, there is no reason to not have Mist Step back as a talent choice. I would make a talent afterwards that makes it unique and offer to have a Line of Sight negation letting you blink through walls (think kiriko from OW or Hunter Resonating arrow). Could see some heavy use from Fistweavers aswell in PVP.
While it wouldnt be as mandatory as Verdant Embrace as far as healing goes, it could save tanks and offer some unique interactions with one of the two melee healers.
Sheilun’s Gift and Shaohao Lessons Changes:
Welcome back Sheilun, you were missed. The ability hitting 3 targets is Fantastic, it feels like old times with those 280k 10 stacks (probably be much higher based on ilvl thats just what im getting atm).
Sheilun’s Gift should baseline be 4seconds. The Artifact version later had interactions via talents to allow you to have them randomly spawn when you healed. And it became a massive part of your play style in Antorus.
Shaohao Lesson is great, needs a slight tweak imo and more ability to control it. Im pretty sure its activating based on number of stacks we have but then ive seen it do random things like throw out Anger back to back or Anger at 6, and then Doubt at 6.
I think Lessons should be a buff choice for yourself. I raised the number of buffs to 7 instead of 4 as Shaohao had us experience the Pandaria version of the 7 deadly sins. They also dont need to interact with Sheilun’s gift but should be placed after it for sure on the talent tree. This talent should also not have any choice talents with it and it and Sheilun’s Gift should be moved much higher on the Talent tree as the skill should be a staple and the buff system should be the playstyle choice. Only 1 active at a time of course and only for yourself. Can not select in combat. Defaults to doubt if nothing selected.
Lesson of Doubt - After using Essence Font Your Damage and Healing are 25% stronger for 8 seconds. (raid and M+ Sustain)
Lesson of Despair - Crit is increased by 30%. A proc from all heals. (raid sustain)
Lesson of Fear - Haste is increased by 15% and Mastery is increased by X%. A Proc from all heals. (would need mastery scaled in to be fair) (M+ sustain)
Lesson of Anger - After using Essence Font your Healing and Damage is duplicated for 20% on the target for the next 8seconds. (raid Sustain)
Lesson of Violence - Touch of Death is useable on targets at all health levels but its cooldown is increased by 40%. Damage done with Touch of Death now heals for 150% of damage done to all players within 60yards. (mini CD)
Lesson of Hatred - Casting Essence Font makes your next Sheilun’s gift heal all targets of your essence font bolts for 50% of total healing done. (3 targets also included) 2minute internal CD. Max Stacks reduced to 5. (mini CD)
Lessons of Pride - Healing a target with any Soothing mists has a chance to spawn a Sheilun’s Mist. Max stacks increased to 15, max used remains 10. Unison 2nd target heal does not effect this chance. (Better Sustain in M+ and Raid for 3target heal)
By making these changes it would change based on what gear you have or what build you are playing. It would not punish Fistweavers for taking it and would offer another CD with touch of death or offer more haste/mastery in M+, Would offer Crit to those who cant get it and when you have perfect gear would offer you things like, 25% healing increase or Duplicated Healing. More Raid Cooldowns are also on the board and you could even argue they would be good or bad based on situation.
Mana Tea Rework
Mana Tea from Mists of Pandaria days was one of the best versions they have created for the spell. While i understand that its over powered why not offer Mana Tea to actually offer mana and not a mana reduction for a short duration.
Mana Tea:
Drinking mana Tea restores 25% of your mana over 3seconds. 2minute CD, Reduced by 0.4 seconds every time the monk does Critical Healing.
Soothing mists is one of the core abilities that identifies a Mistweaver, yet in Fistweaving it is not used as much as it should be. The proposed changed would offer a more Soothing mists/Essence Font play style which could not only work in raid but also work in 5man content.
The return of Mist Step would offer one of the largest single target heals the Monk has ever had outside of Legion Sheilun’s Gift, but that had ramp up.
Fistweavers were not left out as i do understand that alot of people want to play Fistweaver instead of Mistweaver, But for every person who wants to play Fistweaver a Mistweaver also wants to play it but has given up on it.
You will also notice that no fistweaving abilities were changed and only offered more to their toolkit while offering the same option to the mistweavers.
Let me know what you think or any ideas youd want to add or see changed to fix the spec in general.