Hi! We’re looking to join a mythic raiding guild for Shadowlands! (The title may seem like it’s 1 person, but it’s 2 of us)
Class: Mistweaver Monk - https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/ch…e/mistposition
Holy Paladin - https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/ch…roudmoore/zeru
Faction: I would prefer horde, but alliance is fine too!
Raiding Experience: We basically raided from TBC through Mythic ToS, ranking anywhere in the top 100-200 other than a firelands where I was in Vigil(US-4).
Paladin legion logs: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/charact…w=true#zone=11
Monk legion logs(on shaman): https://www.warcraftlogs.com/guild/rankings/10398/11 (Disposition)
I’m looking to join a 2-3 day a week guild, anything before 12am central would be fine.
I’m looking for a guild that is laid back, fun environment. I don’t want a toxic raid environment.
Hey there, please check out Hallowed to see if we may be a fit for the two of you. We are in need of both a MW and HPally, but I think our raid time goes a bit past what you wanted to end by. Figured I’d still toss it out there!
hey, would love to chat with you, any way you can reach out on discord ? @ Bakuga#1745 here’s some information about us below
Guild and Realm:
[H] Intuition Thrall
Raid Times/Days:
Tuesday - Thursday 8PM-11PM EST
Comprised of existing 12/12M Cutting Edge players and returning top us players.
All existing players who return or players who apply to the guild will all have a fair chance at a core raid spot and all will be trialing.
Who we are and a few Notable Kills:
Intuition is a reform on Thrall of a former top us 40 guild in Eredar. We’re a group of individuals that take gaming seriously and have competitive personalities. We do daily Mythic+ keys in the range of 22-27.
H Nefarian - World 50 US 14
H Al’Akir - World 41 US 14
What we offer:
Provide guild raid flasks and feasts.
Runes (if applicable)
Offering the best 15-20 applicants outside of realm Thrall a $20 Card Code to compensate for transferring their character to join our reformed raid team in Shadowlands.
Recruitment Contacts:
Khascade#1163 (BNET) Khascade#8537 (Discord)
https ://discord. gg/GmXDSSZaSd - remove spaces
How to apply:
Contact me in game or discord or apply using the application below:
https ://docs.google . com/forms/d/1XCMZqevjOPG7rMNsSuEnOdh5oPYeHeMM82YslUDyqYg/edit - remove spaces
What we’re looking for:
Ready to slay dragons attitude. Accepting players willing to put in the time and commitment to clear end-game content. You don’t have to be exceptional to join the mythic team just have the effort to improve and understand mechanics. Discord is required to receive news and announcements.
Come prepared to raid before invites go out. (Invites go out 15 minutes prior to first pull.)
Min/Max your character and maximize performance.
Returning players that has prior experience with difficult encounters is a plus.
Players that have decent-high arena ratings even if they do not have raid experience.
Players that have decent-high raider iO scores from season 4 and before even if they do not have raid experience. (3500+)
Players that have the flexibility to play multiple classes and specs if needed.
Recruitment Needs:
Tank - Possibly one.
Healers one - two
DPS (Ranged preferred)
Hey , CE guild recruiting 2 healers add me on discord so we can talk Romance / Aniki#5949
Hey! We’re looking to finish off our Shadowlands roster with two more healers. I’ll drop our spam below. We’re a brand new guild, but in the final stages of that complete roster to compete in Shadowlands, give our achievements a peak!
pryze#1275 is my btag
Good luck in your guild search
Smooth Brain
We are a guild on Bleeding Hollow Horde looking for dps and a healer or two. The guild is comprised of a group of returning US Top 100 players who stopped raiding in BfA because…well ya know and are making a return for Shadowlands. Since forming at the beginning of June we have been focused on building a roster of experienced raiders who fit in the relaxed environment we’re aiming for. With many of us having experience in higher end raiding the target for the guild is to progress in the US 100-200 range. As a result, we are taking our time with recruitment in order to meet these goals.
Though primarily a WoW raiding guild, most of the gang will do high keys or play other games with each other (League, FFIV, Warzone, etc.). While we are more than welcoming to those who simply wish to raid the full Smooth Brain experience in much more.
Current recruitment needs:
Melee DPS – Rogue, Warrior
Ranged DPS – Mage, Moonkin, Elemental Shaman
Healer - Holy Paladin, Disc Priest, Druid
With a new expansion just around the corner we are flexible to what people are looking to play and are open to changes for Shadowlands
Raid Times:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday – 8:30-11:30 EST
Currently raiding casually on Tuesdays and Thursdays for heroic and first few mythic
To Apply:
http:// smoothbrain.info /
If you have any questions or would like additional info please feel free to reach out to either
James (GM): James#1657 (Btag) ZunnyD#9491 (Discord)
Luke (Raid Lead): BHO#11601 (Btag) Luke#5204 (Discord)
I’m one of the officers for (H) Leeching Thru Mechanics We are currently recruiting spots for our raiding team for SL.
We are a new guild that is being led by top 100 US players and past multi-CE raiders.
Raid times:
Tuesdays, 7PM - 10PM CST (8 PM - 11 PM EST)
Wednesdays, 7PM - 10PM CST (8 PM - 11 PM EST)
Thursday, 7PM - 10PM CST (8 PM - 11 PM EST)
We are a guild that prides our self on having a fun environment while also pushing hard into mythic content. Our guild always
pushes mythic+, we are all here to have fun and to grind some keys at the end of the day.
Let me know if this is a guild that suits you well, and I’d love to be in contact with you.
would be interested in discussing with you about our CE team.
Discord Alüe#9972
<< Demise >> US - Sargeras
Tuesday and Thursday
Demise is currently recruiting for Shadowlands! We are a top tier mythic guild on Sargeras that has been raiding together for several expansions now. Our core group of veteran players have Cutting Edge experience in previous tiers.
Our core raiders are expected to always be prepared:
- Have knowledge of boss encounters heading into first week’s pulls, etc.
- Be prepared with flasks, pots, and feasts at all times. (We often provide them anyways but good habit to have)
- Show up several minutes early to raid nights and be prepared to clear trash and start right on the dot.
- Be open to feedback and improving your performance when necessary (bad nights happen, we understand!)
We just want to give a very clear expectation of what we expect from our team and our wow friends in the guild. We’re raiders with a common goal. Kill bosses and have fun doing it 
We are currently recruiting all classes and specs to finish rounding out our core, spots will be competitive and everyone will have a fair chance to earn their right to raid.
If you are interested in our guild and would like more information or to join then contact us (info listed below).
I am always around and willing to talk and answer any and all questions. Hoping to give many of you the best guild/home you’ve ever been a part of! 
Discord: blitz steve#3655
Bnet- Blitzsteve#1703
IGN- Galiyon