Mistweaver as Flag Carrier

I know this topic has been talked to death but for the sake of visability (because clearly Blizzard is unaware considering it wasnt addressed in the last patch notes) but mistweaver as a flag carrier is absolutely busted overpowered.

Completely removing their 6 forms of crowd control, they have access to way too many torpedo’s with the flag and are completely uncatchable, and their teleport has 0 counterplay. You cant stop it, and if they have a friendly priest its horrendously un balanced. A premade group could maybe deal with it using extreme coordination, and outnumbering them heavily, but in BGB pug groups its an absurdly effective strategy that you just lose against if you are unlucky enough to que into it.

Please make it so that when MW is FC they cannot teleport and they cannot reset their torpedo cooldowns. Literally thats it


Even WW can be super effective. Teliporting through a building while holding a flag is crazy powerful.


Oh look the classic mw defending mw. See it here folks! WE AREN"T BUSTED UR JUST BAD


They are fine I won plenty of games vs MW teams , they still gets 1 shotted with the debuff and being fast doesn’t prevent them from getting stomped before they get to our base

I find DK non stop grips from 40 yd way more OP in these maps.

Just because someone got to their base with the flag faster doesn’t really do anything of my team also have the flag.

If my team has equal damage / skill we have no problem with any FC be it Druid , MW or dragon

And on higher ratings the MW usually gets focused at the very start and often doesn’t even reach the base

It’s a LTP issue not a class problem


I disagree. The lack of awareness in Blitz is wild. People can do something, but they don’t - or they try too late.

That’s the only time they can do it, ironically enough. I mean, it’s a bit too late to worry about it when the MW is already rolling across the field with your flag. It was totally predictable, and - yet - you didn’t prepare for it. That’s an L play.

We don’t need nerfs to make up for people playing poorly (i.e.: handicapping).

That’s level 70 as per the forums, but go on…

Sounds like a Ret-specific problem - and, realistically, not all classes/specs will have the same chase potential. Rets have never had that.

Are you trying to say that they couldn’t have charged the MW (while on their mounts, no less) in the first clash? Are you trying to say they couldn’t meet the MW as he left the base and land CC? I find it incredibly hard to believe that you couldn’t do anything to improve.

Where was everybody else - jerkin’ in mid? Did you guys just run after the MW like idiots, running up tunnel, only to find that he was going out a different door?

That’s the sort of things I’ve seen. Bad plays lead to lost games. :dracthyr_shrug:

There’s your problem. :point_up_2:

No - and especially in Blitz, where stacks go up super fast. It can be hard enough to get across the field outside of burning mobility CDs. Good players can make it nearly impossible.

Freeing things up would be better.

Not new.

Any mobility they got was a counter to the mobility/anti-mobility DPS got; also, compensation for the “Reworking” of their defensives in pre-patch.

Then you did what you were supposed to do. Your teammates let you down. You’re a Lock. You can’t chase and good teammates won’t expect you to chase, either. But the Hunters that fill these whine threads (for example) could press a button, yeah? You slowed them. You did what you could do. Maybe you put up some DoTs, maybe threw out a little damage, tried to land a Fear. It’s out of your hands.

I feel for you here - I really do. I know what it’s like to play a Lock. Lock isn’t really an ideal chaser, and - as far as I can tell from what you’ve indicated here - you did what you could do. The problem, then, isn’t with you. Nor is it with MW, mind you - they’ve always been mobile and slippery. You are playing on a team. Your team is letting you down. I mean, were you the only one chasing the MW? Probably. I’ve seen that plenty of times. Poor Lock, hopelessly waddling after me, while the rest of their team pads damage in mid completely oblivious to the fact that I just ran by them with their flag.

My biggest issue with threads like this is that they’re always biased. People hate losing, and they hate taking responsibility for their losses, so they go to great lengths to look for something/someone to blame. It’s hard to have a real, earnest conversation about balance when the underlying subconscious motive is often avoiding responsibility. You’re not asking for a nerf, you’re asking for a handicap.

These conversations are always quite convoluted. Things are taken out of context, counters are ignored, individual cases are turned into general rules, exaggeration and misrepresentation is the norm, etc. For instance, the whole “I couldn’t do anything. That’s the complaint of someone who’s going to be hard-stuck 1500 and whine about “MMR capping,” despite the fact that Blitz MMR is over 3k on the high end. That, or they’ll claim they’re losing because of win-trading Premades.

I don’t much like people whining for nerfs - especially for a Healer that is pretty meh outside of Blitz. Yeah… they can run flags like a boss while playing against disorganized players (at low rating) in Blitz, but so what? I’d rather MW not suck in the whole game, ya know? If MW gets nerfed in this, then what’ll they get to compensate for that? What’ll they be good at, exactly?

Revival/Peaceweaver was already nerfed 3x over. Our defensives were “Reworked” in pre-patch. They gave tons of mobility/anti-mobility to DPS classes/specs going into TWW. We’re pretty much the only Healer that can get kicked anymore (on our only spell school too, mind you) - and when we do heal, we have to stand in place and use multiple globals to ramp up our ST healing. We have to use even more globals if we’re juking first. We are still prone to dying in a stun if we’re caught (we don’t have 2x walls useable while stunned, like Disc, or an Emerald Communion-like effect/Tranquility-like effect). And you want to make it so we’re “Less mobile?” Do you want to lose anytime you get a MW on your team?

If we’re going to have a discussion about balance, let’s have a discussion about everything involved in that - like the things I pointed out above. Let’s look at the whole picture, as opposed to just cherry-picking whatever we don’t like. MW being good in Blitz - a meme bracket - doesn’t mean very much when the vast majority of its player-base are terrible. Terrible players can make the worst look like the best, and the best like the worst - as evidenced by all the MM Hunters that spam these QQ threads like it’s their job. This is why PVP isn’t balanced around low-rated/unranked PVP gameplay. Thank god. :dracthyr_yay_animated:

It’s niche, not OP.


I run the flag quiet a bit, I will say if a MW and my self pickup the flag at the same time and I go Tunnel lets say. That MW normally passes me at the end of his tunnel. Which means I still have the entire field to cross and can be caught by the team. This is the problem, locking down the EFC is what allows your team to kill it. You can’t lock it down unless you are in front of it (GL unless the star’s align) This allows that team beat on your FC the entire time while your team is still trying to get to their flag room to just engage the EFC.

I am sorry, MW flag carriers need a nerf. Either make them drop the flag when they torp or speed nerf them with it.

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…And why can’t you be in front of it? Use your map. That’s what it’s there for.

Low-rated problems, I guess. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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This happens at 2100 MMR. /shrug “Use your Map” is also a stupid excuse as if you are on one side he will be able to cross it before you can even get to mid of the map. we are talking 15 to 20 seconds here. Which anyone that plays Blitz would know.


Yeah… that’s Blitz for you. Plenty of players at that MMR have been hard carried. Doesn’t make what I said any less true. Use your map. You can 100% get in front of them if you’re paying attention.

Again, Another excuse. The fact is they should not be able to cross the map that quick with the flag. It need’s a nerf and no amount of Monks tying to justify it will change that. It ruin’s cap maps.


They wouldn’t be able to if someone woke up and stopped them.

Aye, we are trying to wake Blizzard up to it as we speak.

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It isn’t going to change. There are reasons why things are the way they are. I tried to point some of those reasons out above, but nobody reads here. You’re not interested in a discussion. You’re just here to whine and complain like the rest of the hoi polloi.

Honestly, if we go by Blizzards track record of this in BG’s it will change, what has not been answered is how long will it go. They have repeatedly nerfed FC’s that step out of the bounds of what they want. Including Druids and DH’s.


Let me advise you to not hold your breath.

You can “Advise” all you want, ill go with the statistics of the last 20 years of playing this game.

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If you’re so confident about this, why are you even here complaining?

Adding my 2 cent’s and agreeing as someone who runs the flag alot and always has that Monks are currently way out of line.


You’ve added far less than that.

We will agree to disagree!

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