Mists of Pandaria Remix missing NPC quest giver

being stuck no fun. and i sent a bug report which i shouldn’t have. cause now i can’t delete cause i got mail and on trial basis. glad i didn’t sink any money in yet, amen! hopefully they do something before the thing ends (remix) always something goes wrong i guess being patient pays off.

sweet i thought it was just me and i had bad luck. glad you are trying to resolve it. :smile:

Same, Admiral Rogers is not there.
This followed up from a troublesome Horde Player killing the quest NPCs, The mayor of Pawdon Village, in the area the morning of the 5th of June 2024.
Feathermoon Server.

I had that issue, worked around it by jumping on my flying mount and flying around and landing closer to paw’don

And it worked? Could you please be a little more specific about what you did? How far out did you fly and about how long flying and what do you mean by closer to paw’don? Approx where did you land?

Yeah, I am curious as well. One alt discovered most of Jade Forest and came back, Nothing. Another one flew all the way to the Vale and came back, screaming in for a landing on dragon mount right at the Mayor’s feet, and Rogers still was missing.

I am also having this issue sadly. :cry:

Jumping on here to keep up to date on this… still having issue

Here too on Hellscream. I deleted and remade the character, still nothing this morning. Between getting thrown back onto the ship everytime you go certain directions in the start area and then this, it has pretty well broken the Alliance side part of the pandaria remix. I hope they will fix it soon.

6/6/24, still no Admiral. I saw where someone posted above that they are aware of the issue & have no workaround for it. How about, until you DO have one, extending the event 1 day for each day we can’t progress?

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I’m not in remix, I’m in standard retail. No admiral.

Still no Admiral, GM said in a support ticket, they know of the problem and to post and reply to these discussions for visibility.

Make sure we keep these “Missing Admiral Rogers” posts at the top!

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Also having this bug. It is affecting EU realms as well. I do hope that Blizzard will consider extending MoP: Remix by a week to account for the lost progress as a result of this.

I mentioned that in the reply to the GM in the support ticket.

I’ve had this issue since Monday. Just checked, and still not there.

The Admiral is back. You may continue with the quest now.


The Admiral might not be back for some as I’m still seeing some issues on General Chat, the fix for the time being if Rogers is still missing seems to be, entering and leaving a dungeon.

Just checked again an the Admiral is there! Weird, I logged out, logged back in and there the Admiral was.

e: Just to be clear, I’ve been doing that every time I check to see if the Admiral was there. Just so happened that it worked this time

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Can confirm Admiral Taylor did finally show up so I could complete Onward and Inward.

Just finished the quests after that and now I am on “The Missing Admiral: Find Admiral Taylor” I guess I need to do another bug report since I just DID that quest…

The quest appears fixed! I abandoned the quest, exited the game and turned it back on, re-accepted the quest and the Admiral is there! We are so back!