Same issue. Seems to be since latest update. Was there yesterday.
Happened to me too, restarted UI, ran away and came back, relogged, restarted game, deleted and remade toon, nothing works!
same issue here
As of todays reset, still borked.
No GM answering?
I am stuck here as well. What are we supposed to do to be able to continue?
still missing after patch as well on doomhammer
It actually wasn’t the update. It just randomly stopped working on Monday morning when it had been working fine on Sunday night.
Still broken on Stormrage US. WTf Blizzard. how do you constantly eff things up? How can you honestly expect people to give you money to pay your salary when this BS happens. ALL. THE. TIME.
Usually pretty tolerant, but this was reported all day yesterday by hundreds of people, and it’s literally the gateway to progressing through the beginning of your current most popular content for an entire faction. I understand the maintenance today was likely for TWW Beta, but this was working fine on Sunday night. I don’t know what could have possibly happened.
Welcome to the strange new world of Microsoft. I even turned off the computer, lights and opened, closed the front door. Nothing .
it’s just annoying that they haven’t at all addressed this.
still happening…
I’m having the same problem
Count me in on not being able to progress…very annoying.
My remix monk is experiencing the same. Anyone remember this also happened when MoP first launched? The Admiral was gone for like a day or 2 before they fixed it.
same problem here, tried everything: abandon quest and re taking it, reloging, reloading and nothing works, cant level of i cant deliver quests blizzard
Same for me. Can’t find Admiral Rogers on the Skyfire or the Onward and Upward quest.
Still stuck, restarted, exited, ran the repair tool and still no Sky Admiral Rogers
they’re automated responding to the ticket ;(