they should make it a Drakthyr toy then.
Barbershop mount has been something I’ve wanted for a while. Heck, even a barbershop toy would be boss. Something to appease my need to change my little toon from time to time
Dude, I’m in there at least every day.
I might as well have a chair named in my honor there.
That’s not a bad idea. It can still summon a devilsaur NPC that holds a little pair of scissors and it can be named Manilla (Play on Minilla Godzilla’s son.)
I do feel like female humans would use it the most.
Leveling is fairly quick and easy. You can level in dungeons and scenarios from the jump. Raids get added in later, don’t remember what level.
To get the tusks you need to farm tokens called the Bones of Mannaroth. Drop from normal, heroic and mythic, in quantities of 1,4 and 10 respectively.
It isn’t hard. Took me a little over 2 weeks to get it all done.
Would recommend upgrading your gear a bit at 70 because the drops cap out at 346.
Cute name!
All of the remix goodies will eventually make their way to the trading post.
Where do you get the cloak? I checked my tab and didn’t see a Kor’kron one. Does it have another name?
It isn’t hand outs. You have to play to accumulate the currencies to purchase things.
You’re literally in this thread telling people there isn’t anything that’s solely in Remix, then backpedaling with “Oh, those transmogs and mounts and toys are mostly reskins, so they don’t count,” then moving into “EARN IT IN RETAIL,” when this stuff can’t be… and they’re the ones with closed minds?
Kor’kron Shaman sets and Shado Pan sets are fully cosmetic with different colorations, as well, usable by anyone-- only available in Remix.
Full tier sets are available across the armor type and not just class-- only available in Remix.
30 mounts only available in Remix.
Cosmetics from achievements, like backpacks and mounts and pets-- only available in Remix. Which require questlines, rares and rep.
And the heirlooms aren’t available in retail, but require multiple runs of Normal or higher SoO.
But please continue to tell everyone how nothing is specific to the event and we all need to earn it in retail, even though it’s not in retail.
Amusingly, the Mannoroth shoulders ARE still obtainable in retail, but only from Mythic, and the drop chance is really low.
A LOT of other stuff is exclusive to this event. Including the Garrosh heirlooms.
this is actually the thing I’m aiming for most, seems stupid but watch heirlooms be op in leveling eventually and this be the best time of our lives for early game play.
I’m buying them all (already bought 9/11). At level 64, they are 4 ilvl’s higher than the regular heirloom weapons. The difference is pretty small.
Love that backpack.
Thankfully I got most of them when SoO was current. All Heroic versions, too. I’m missing the polearm and bow, but honestly don’t care enough to deal with pugs for that place. lol
They are reskins, and don’t count, and they’re added on to all the other super rare items now being handed out. Nothing false about what I say.
If you want them, wait until around Christmas. Most of that stuff goes on sale for half price.
I rolled my eyes at them until the other day and I was doing a dungeon with a gnome and goblin wearing them. Now I want them.
But do you have the Heroic versions of the heirlooms, lol. They were the best version, and those are the ones available for this event.
Honestly SOO pugs seem to take about an hour now and just stomp everything. I’ve already killed Garrosh 18 times…4 more days and I’ve got them all.
So let’s delete two thirds of the mounts you own and they won’t count towards your mount achievements then. Because they’re reskins, so they “don’t count.”