Soo for context I’m used to living in my own little world, doing PVP from time to time and I hated the last event so I didn’t care too much to play it. Here I am deciding to google this Pandaria event and this isn’t an event…ITS A WHOLE DANG NEW GAME! Given my name I have to go for the Garrosh mantle that isn’t obtainable in retail. but it has a 25% drop chance!
I’m also pretty content on the toons I have…I have to make a whole other toon, level him to 70 and then RAID!!! OH lord, I’m not like you all, I don’t say there’s not enough content because I got things I try to do outside of game. but BOY! now I have to attempt this! I’m gonna DIE! will I make it? is there enough time?! IM FREAKING OUT MAN!
Everything they offer is in retail, just takes work. But go farm for two days to buy something someone spent 7 years working for. <3
oh really? the guide I read said they brought back the heirlooms and the mantle said was not obtainable in retail. Im glad if it is but that makes me feel a lil better.
Not everything. There is quite a bit of remix-only stuff.
No one cares about the heirlooms, as all heirlooms are garbage now.
they come with 3 gem slots though…
Not everything. There are event only mounts and transmogs, as well as toys.
I have 45 heirlooms, and I’ll never use a single one, because dungeon loot is better while levelling.
I just read this and copy and pasted it, 11 mounts unobtainable and a few mogs contributed to achievements
|Golden Discus Golden Discus|New Remix Mount|2200|
|Mogu Hazeblazer Mogu Hazeblazer|New Remix Mount|2200|
|Feathered Windsurfer String Feathered Windsurfer String|New Remix Mount|2200|
|Reins of the Jungle Riding Crane Reins of the Jungle Riding Crane|New Remix Mount|2200|
|Reins of the Gilded Riding Crane Reins of the Gilded Riding Crane|New Remix Mount|2200|
|Reins of the Pale Riding Crane Reins of the Pale Riding Crane|New Remix Mount|2200|
|Reins of the Rose Riding Crane Reins of the Rose Riding Crane|New Remix Mount|2200|
|Reins of the Silver Riding Crane Reins of the Silver Riding Crane|New Remix Mount|2200|
|Reins of the Luxurious Riding Crane Reins of the Luxurious Riding Crane|New Remix Mount|2200|
|Reins of the Tropical Riding Crane Reins of the Tropical Riding Crane|New Remix Mount|2200|
|Reins of the Snowy Riding Goat Reins of the Snowy Riding Goat|New Remix Mount|2200|
|Reins of the Little Red Riding Goat Reins of the Little Red Riding Goat|New Remix Mount|2200|
|Reins of the Riverwalker Mushan Reins of the Riverwalker Mushan|New Remix Mount|2200|
|Reins of the Palehide Mushan Beast Reins of the Palehide Mushan Beast|New Remix Mount|2200|
|Reins of the Black Riding Yak Reins of the Black Riding Yak|New Remix Mount|2200|
|Reins of the Modest Expedition Yak Reins of the Modest Expedition Yak|New Remix Mount|2200|
|Reins of the Kafa Yak Reins of the Kafa Yak|New Remix Mount|2200|
|Reins of the Purple Shado-Pan Riding Tiger Reins of the Purple Shado-Pan Riding Tiger|New Remix Mount|4400|
|Cobalt Juggernaut Cobalt Juggernaut|New Remix Mount|4400|
|Fel Iron Juggernaut Fel Iron Juggernaut|New Remix Mount|4400|
|Reins of the Bloody Skyscreamer Reins of the Bloody Skyscreamer|New Remix Mount|4400|
|Reins of the Night Pterrorwing Reins of the Night Pterrorwing|New Remix Mount|4400|
|Reins of the Jade Pterrordax Reins of the Jade Pterrordax|New Remix Mount|4400|
|Reins of the Amber Pterrordax Reins of the Amber Pterrordax|New Remix Mount|4400|
|Reins of the Marble Quilen Reins of the Marble Quilen|New Remix Mount|6600|
|Reins of the Guardian Quilen Reins of the Guardian Quilen|New Remix Mount|6600|
|Reins of the Dashing Windsteed Reins of the Dashing Windsteed|New Remix Mount|6600|
|Reins of the Forest Windsteed Reins of the Forest Windsteed|New Remix Mount|6600|
|Reins of the Daystorm Windsteed Reins of the Daystorm Windsteed|New Remix Mount|6600|
Put enchants on the gear, tada it is now better
Store sets with enchants/primary stat gems in a bank somewhere and mail around as needed
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Yea but its really short i was done in 2 weeks
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Sounds like a lot of reskins we’ll know are reskins. Thanks for listing though <3
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3 Disc mounts like the Flying cloud
4 Stork mounts
1 Shado-Pan cat
2 Juggernauts (Cobalt and Fel)
4 Pteradons
2 of those Lion Statue mounts
4 Flying goats
2 ground goats
3 Direhorns
2 additional Galleon mounts
forgot the additional yaks
And probably forgetting a couple
Plus the big ones
Horridon mount
Ji Kuhn mount
Oondasta direhorn mount
Sha mount
Kor’kron Juggernaught
Leveling in Remix is pretty damn fast; like it took me less then 20 hours to get to 70 and I wasn’t exactly going hard on optimization and having gotten a buttload of threads I can attest that secondary characters go stupid fast; literally double XP and every LFR raid I run gets me another 7%.
And regarding the shoulders: they come real fast and easy too; 20 kills on normal might sound like a lot, but players scale to the frikkin moon in remix and as such you can usually run the whole raid in about an hour.
You listed everything you can get now, just have to…actually play and work for it.
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Yea the 3 serpents from could rep mounts
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