Mistake reopening Mage Tower

The only mistake is that the flood gates for “BRING BACK X” has been opened and it’s all the GD is going to be about for the foreseeable future.

Personally I’m happy it’s back with new rewards. Would I have liked for every class to get a new Artifact recolour? Obviously. Do I care? not really, no.

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That part was replying to OP, the resto comment was replying to you :stuck_out_tongue:

Fair enough.

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I completely disagree with this. As someone who has played all of legion, I find this post to be very selfish… Just think about it…

  • We play monthly. I don’t like when they take away any forms of content. Overpowering your weapons with legion was so satisfying to me, that I had played that expansion on 6+ toons. I experienced burnout, but anything I was bored of, I either did MT or PvP. The catchup system (minus the random leggos) was really good imo.

  • I am always against taking away content from players who have missed out on fun opportunities. The MT was very challenging, but was still very entertaining for me.

  • If you want an item to be meaningful, then ask to have drop rates lowered, or for the reward system for the original items to be a loot box idea. This would in turn, still maintain the overall value of the item.

I will never agree to the removal of content. Especially when people want to take breaks from the current expansion. Legion is not near as fun without the artifact weapons and the ilevel sockets/leveling. They couldve just rendered it useless out of legion areas and 51+

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This isn’t anything new.

Remember when druids were the only ones that could mount in the maw? Or their ability to herb in travel form without dismounting. Or the fact they have 4 specs when everyone else has 3.

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Feral and guardian are special cases in that they don’t really get transmogs they can see most of the time. It’s not like “oh you missed out on a weapon, good thing you have 200 other models even if they’re not QUITE as nice”.

It’s more “oh you missed out on getting one of the five’ish forms you can get in TOTAL”(…barring recolors).

So I’m perfectly fine with the reskinned werebear. I also think that sparkle kitty is just as awesome and that there should be a reskinned sparkle kitty to but I won’t throw a fit over not. But I already have sparkle kitty anyways.

I do think that other people should have a shot at a similar model though.

Yeah and paladins with… a DPS spec that is permanently sub par and a heal/tank spec that frequent the bottom of the desirability charts too…

I somewhat empathize with OP. Not the locking away the experience part, even though this is a nerfed reintroduction of the mage tower. More so the bear appearance. I’d personally be upset too if they reintroduced the warrior mammoth shield appearance again, even a different tint of it.

Mind you, if they’re going to the bother of retuning the mage tower I would 100% prefer that they came up with new challenges altogether. But meh.

are u crazy? its a amazing idea! aproved blizzard!

Whats selfish is demanding MT and the original rewards come back. Blizzard announced well in advance that those would be going away permanently. Except now it isn’t really permanent, its only as long as they feel like it. Completely removes prestige and causes players to doubt blizzard’s future statements when they just arbitrarily change their minds later.

If blizzard had put MT in and then never announced it was going away and then suddenly removed it with BFA prepatch, I’d agree they should bring it back. That wasn’t the case though. They put out notices well in advance AND left mage tower up permanently until prepatch hit, as well as removing the cost per attempt. It was there, blizz let players know it was going away, and even helped players right at the end get it. You either put in the work to get it, or you didn’t. End of story.

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I don’t mind if people want to experience a challenge that might’ve missed out on. Everyone is different tho. Bear form was most prestigious reward? It is hideous. Again everyone is different. I did try out tanking for another artifact skin and it’s not apart of what they are offering. They singled in on one spec for one class. I don’t know what made them make this decision…

Still the most favorable reception would’ve been for new challenges with new skins.

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It is for me and I can’t wait!!!

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I think the main controversial issue is how there are several 1 of a kind items locked behind Legion Mage tower which leads to people clamoring for the chance to earn said items again. Those items being the Prot Pally and Warrior flails and the Guardian Druid werebear form, these are items that have no substitute in the game at all as there’s no other source of getting any kind of flail even a basic one and the werebear is the only way to really change up how a Guardian druid looks in combat.

I personally don’t mind either way concerning the Mage tower weapons but I will propose a solution. Blizz could start getting more creative with their weapon designs by adding new flails to the mace category along with other more out there weapon models each raid tier and so on, I do recall that some Torghast mobs carry flail styled weapons. That and for druids, and a much taller order admitably, a system for druids to change and customize each of their forms much more freely.

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I think blizz should have just added something somewhat similar (but not a recolor) for that in a brand new challenge. Maybe not a werebear but a different skeleton bear form for guardian druids in a new quest or challenge. Not a 1:1 recreation of the MT flails, but a flail type of weapon added to the game.

Nah Blizzard needs to be keeping as much content in the game as possible. It’s stupid af to be removing a free grind for players to keep themselves busy with.

Does that not contribute to the holy time played metric that Blizzard gets so wet over?

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I’m honestly fine with the challenges returning. In fact, I want to try them again so that’s exciting to me. The recolor tier sets are fine as rewards for them. I personally would have preferred all new colors of the original rewards, but so long as the original rewards aren’t brought back I’m pretty content with whatever they provide.

Excited to do them again!

New druid forms and customizations would be amazing as right now Werebear is the only way to get a new rig for Guardian druids. Doesn’t have to be mage tower just druids need ways to earn new customizations for their forms. The Warlock green fire quest is a nice template for the idea generally.

As for weapons generally, I think Torghast is a huge missed opportunity to bring in a ton of new weapons and armor for mogs (the shoulders are a good first step but lack matching armor). Could have mogs drop off of the different rares that show up, off the different general enemies. A flail that’s literally just a skull on a chain for example.

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Amigo, you obtained the thrash legendary by sheer luck and then proceeded to press Thrash for a couple minutes. It’s not that deep or prestigious.


They’ve been stepping in post holes since the twin debacles of trying to link forum posts to some kind of real world identifier and the storied fiasco that was “hey kids, let’s nerf flying to the ground”.

They seem to be trying to make people happy, but after all this time they’ve lost the knack.

They may have finally stumbled onto the fact that you elitists are not the main body of their customers. If true, that sucks for you. Or, the new run at the Mage Tower may be harder than ever, Torghast style.

Maybe. I wouldn’t bet a dollar either way.