Mistake reopening Mage Tower

Blizzard should have left mage tower out of the game. Not only the rewards, but that experience was unique to Legion players. You are now giving that away to players who do not deserve it. Bear form was the most prestigious award blizzard ever put in the game and the tanking challenge was VERY hard, probably the hardest challenge blizzard has ever put in the game. Now you are giving it away in 9.1.5. Come up with new challenges and rewards, but do not go forward with werebear skin and mage tower. Do not backstab your loyal customers by trivializing their experiences and rewards.

Not to mention that having to rebalance and re-release mage tower is costing us precious developer time better spent on shadowlands content.


I think this this may be stretching it a bit much…


I agree.

They should also shut down any and all Draenor access, Broken Isles access, and Outlands access.

That experience was unique to players who were dedicated enough to play during those times, and the people who missed out do not deserve it.


And you, random dude on the forums, does deserve it?

Do I deserve it? I completed the Werebear Challenge twice and also got like 12 other challenges completed. I want to do them again and get the complete Mage Tower regalia.

Do I not deserve it?

I hope you understand that due to it being apart of Legion Timewalking, this IS Shadowlands content.



ok man calm down. Rewards are one thing, but the experience is another. Everyone deserves to play the Mage Tower.

I agree that rewards should be left alone and thankfully they have. Don’t gate keep fun content.

tbh this is likely a troll post since the guy implied that MT was the hardest challenge in the game


The weapons aren’t coming back so w/e

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Uh, sure bud… sure.

Maybe it was difficult when it first came out, but by the end of Legion you could sweep this with poor gear.


rehashing old content vs creating brand new content.

If you did it when it was relevant back then? Yes you absolutely do. If you were to do it now? No, and blizzard shouldn’t be re-releasing it.

Players still have to complete the challenges. How is that, ‘giving it away?’

Yeah and I’m sure number tuning isn’t holding us back from going to Zereth Mortis or whatever. If it was they wouldn’t be spending time on this.

Okay so we’re just arbitrarily gatekeeping content now. Why? Don’t you want content?

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Also druid get 2 new transmog.

Druid and Paladin both fav blizzard

i did not want the mage tower to reopen at all, but the compromise satisfy me and to be fair, its fine for guardian druids who now have a chance to get a new and sick fel form

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Blizzard will most likely undertune it since none of legion’s systems are present anymore.

OP… Look… Blizzard doesn’t have any updated content to release, so they are trying to keep us busy by bringing back Legion. Don’t ruin it.

It is either bring back Legion or farm relics in Korthia for a year (at an average rate of 8 relics per drop). Which do you want?


I want new content for players. As of late blizzard has been running back to the well repeatedly, its a disturbing practice. Its a crutch for them and I’d rather they stop leaning on it.

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And for a lot of people this is new content, so wish granted.


No they are not.

It’s a bunch of pixels I don’t see the point in acting as if they’re high in value

Saying its new doesn’t make it new. And for a lot of people, this is old content.

the t20 recolor on my main is laughable theres already like 9 sets so i dont care about the place as well as i really didnt care about it in legion my mains weapons looked like garbage to compared to some of the appearances i got elsewhere. they could of actually used their brain and made something new as well as mog instead of same old stuff using no brain just a different color so cheap blizz new awesome looking mog is much wanted after you threw mog in the dumpster when bfa and sl rolled around.