Mistake reopening Mage Tower

Are you kidding me? I’m disappointed the weapons aren’t coming back! I’m sure this is trolling.

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Speak for yourself. We’re finally getting the rightful winner of that mount promotion instead of that stupid tree.


FINALLY! someone understands what’s important. That tree is awful! I never use it. The book would be the only one I would have used on a daily basis!

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Cool, but it’s still a net positive for everyone involved. Content is better than no content no matter it’s age.

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weapons dont need to btw they actually aint allowed to cause laws go away you will find a new awesome wep mog when they decide to make new awesome mogs one day not recolors mog department went downhill since bfa.

Lies and deceit. It should have been the caterpillar.

I agree with you but I’d rather they spend effort on new content. I don’t want to see half of future expansions just bringing back older expansions features. We’ve seen that already in WoW with ‘anniversary events’, with mage tower, with classic and classic TBC. And in the greater blizzard landscape with war3 reforged and d2 resurrected. I don’t want blizzard to shut down all new ideas and just dredge up old projects / patches / ideas.

With the way people are acting, I would agree.

And guess what, they are. They didn’t make new sets. They just recolored old sets and the werebear, and are now rebalancing the Mage Tower. It’s not like the entirety of the WoW team is working on this as their #1 priority throwing everything to the sideline.

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I did the challenge. I want content to stop being removed from the game. It is only coming back during timewalking. We have no idea how them working on Legion timewalking is impacting other parts of the game. They have hundreds of people that work on WoW alone. Thousands employed at Blizzard.


With the content rollout we’ve gotten so far in SL I wouldn’t be so sure about that. I have a feeling MT is costing us a lot, it wouldn’t surprise me if we didn’t get a .3 patch because of it.

tbf some of the challenges were freebies. Disc’s was a snorefest, while unholy gave me a run for my money. Exclusivity was always the one and only selling point of these rewards. A point even Blizzard backs.

I think the changes are very good and a good compromise. But druid forms are an elephant in the room. Druids do not have “armor” so to speak, they have forms. We’re pretty limited in content in that department and the legion forms only serves as a way of increasing that.

I wish we’d have a more dedicated system for forms but we don’t. One cool suggestion I saw was have druids ability to pick out forms in the wild, similar to how hunters pick a pet.

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This post is simultaneously “omg, Blizzard listen to me” and “omg, Blizzard why are you listening to people”

and that alone makes it worth replying to watch it.

Resto has entered the chat

I actually thought the healer one was a legitimately good and educational challenge. It taught you how to triage, dispel, avoid bad, interrupt, even dps.

Having more people experience this will be a good thing.

It’s fine. We’re getting new rewards.

A lot of that had to do with them adjusting to working from home.

Bleh, I think they made a huge mistake with this druid form. They could’ve opened the MT with just the recolored tier sets and called it a day.

In one post, they managed to say “we can’t diminish the old MT rewards” while simultaneously saying “Hey, we’re diminishing arguably the MOST UNIQUE reward”… Giving this trickle of a recolored MT appearance is just going to exacerbate the issue for people who want the MT appearances.

Just feels like a huge mistake, imo. Recolors for all specs or just do none of them… Plain and simple.

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I stopped reading there.
It’s a game for crying out loud :rofl: :man_facepalming:


What do you mean? Where am I wrong?

Not only that but druids are the exception, they DO get a recolor of an MT skin while nobody else does. Reeks of favoritism.

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