Mission table bricked

I sent both my followers out on a mission called “Campaign: Stacka’s Last Stand” a few days ago and they’ve been stuck there ever since.

They show up as “On Adventure - 0 Sec”. The adventure itself has a tick on it. Clicking the adventure brings up the screen with an empty combat log. The “skip to End” button does nothing either.

I’ve already tried clearing my cache/wtf/interface folders, complete fresh install on another computer, and the mobile app.
Opening the mission on the mobile app results in it instantly closing the mission.

This is not a client side issue as far as I can tell. Unless a dev steps in and fixes this I guess I’ll never use those two followers for the rest of the expansion.


^ Have the exact same issue, with the exact same mission, Campaign: Stracka’s Last Stand. Issue has been persisting for ~5 days now.

Same here, I sent my troops out on Ash Ghouls At Large, a simple 4 hour mission and its been two days and I still cant get my followers out of the completed screen so until I can get new champions I cant do missions…rip.

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My troops are sent on Catastrophic Skeleton Infestation mission and the timer has completed. However when I click to complete the mission, it goes through the combat animation, then the rewards page. When I click to continue, nothing happens, and the mission is still active on my list. It again shows click to complete the mission on the main list of missions page.

Basically my troops are all stuck in a mission that has already completed timer-wise, but I am unable to get the rewards and free them from that mission. It has been stuck like this for 2 days, and I thought the Tuesday reset would help, but it didn’t reset anything.

So my troops are stuck in that mission, and I’m unable to start another mission with those stuck troops.

Small sample size - but given that we are all from Frostmourne, is it a problem specific to the server?

Do any of you use the Mobile Companion App? If so, what do the “stuck” missions look like from there?

Yeah, I tried using the app. When you double-tap to complete the mission, it goes through the combat animation, and then goes to the mission success page. However, when you click claim rewards, the mission reappears in the list, and you cannot send those followers out on other missions.

Very frustrating.

For me the companion app shows the mission screen with the enemy on their side but no units on my side with the skip to end button there for all of half a second then closes the mission. In game I see both the enemy and my units on the screen with the skip to end button but nothing ever happens. I never get the combat animation or the claim rewards option.

In-Game https://i.imgur.com/sQQlVVv.png
In-App https://i.imgur.com/J5dmRhP.jpg

Same issue here. Only sent 1 follower but still stuck on 0 sec. I have tried all of the usual “fixes” too. No similar issues on alts. Just this one in Venthyr.

3 weeks later and still no hope of getting my followers back. Could the devs at least say “hey we’re looking into this bug” or something. The most communication I’ve gotten from Blizz on this is “We can’t fix this for you. Submit a bug report and maybe we’ll think about fixing the bug if we feel like it”.