Missing Zekvir Mount

So I have Zekvir ? and ?? completed, but I only have the original Delver’s Dirigible mount without the blue skin. I read that you are supposed to get a scroll that unlocks it, but it’s not in my bag or mail. I don’t see it in the Item Restoration either.

Any clues?

Was this on a different account? It looks like you haven’t done any tier 2 delves which are necessary to access the ?? Difficulty. You need to beat either 10s or 11s I think.

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When Zekvir dies in his lair, the cosmetics are on his body and must be looted off of him, they aren’t automaticly given. Unfortunately, if you already left you’ll need to kill him again.

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There’s a schematic from what I’ve read, but it seems conflicted on whether it’s looted from the chests at the end, or directly from Zekvir. This is from wowhead comments. It doesn’t appear to be rewarded directly from the achievement.

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I checked OP’s profile. They have the ‘Let Me Solo Him’ achievement which is them beating bug man with Brann. So they should have the skin.

Did you visit the Rostrum of Transformation? You have to go there to apply the skin. It’s near the southern gate of Dorn, you can talk to a guard to pinpoint the location.

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While they have the achievement and presumably the title, the achievement doesn’t actually award the appearance. Instead, a useable item has to be looted off his body after killing him solo on tier ??. I don’t know why it functions this way, but it seems consistent with all the Zekvir cosmetics. It’s unfortunate, but unlikely a GM would be able to help, I don’t recall the postmaster being reported as sending the cosmetics so it probably needs to be recleared for the cosmetic, which I believe people stated was effective at least on the ? cosmetic.

Yeah, I’m kinda leaning on the hope it may have been used and so should show up at the Rostrum. Bit of a stretch but stranger things have happened.

Heck, I didn’t even know how to access the lair. Only after asking around and even making a bug report did someone mention you have to click on the gate… :sweat_smile:

Yeah I still think that’s a bug, it’s the only one where the interface doesn’t open when you rub your character on the door. But, hopefully it does turn up, Sosari, if not I’m afraid you may need to reclear sadly.

I did 10 and 11. Also did ? and ??.

Ah that might be it. Guess I’ll have to do it again.

The armoury must not have been updated, it only showed you as having done a tier 1 very recently. Congrats on getting up to tier 11 and hopefully you can beat ?? again soon to loot the mount skin.

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Finally had a chance to get online. It was in the Rostrum. Thanks.


Glad to hear! I’m guessing it was used at some point and in the heat of the moment just slipped. I know my hands were shaking a good while after I managed to beat bug man and I’ve done similar things way too often. :sweat_smile:

Enjoy your voidified blimp!


Yeah probably saw something and clicked it without reading lol. Thank you again.