Missing twitch drops

I was looking through my toy collection for the Ethereal Portal and I realized I never received it. As I investigated further it seems that I haven’t received any of the drops that I have claimed via twitch. Based on the link below you can see that I have them claimed and that my account is connected so I am not sure what is happening.

I did some searching on the forums and it seems that this post may be in vain since it seems like others that have had this same issue didn’t get any resolution but I thought I would make this post any how and take my shot.

Is there any way to fix this?

https://imgur. com/a/w4giNMF

There was an issue with the drops in which you actually received the Blazing Hippogryph Mount instead.


Vrak left you with the article in regards to the most recent available drop, but on the off chance you’re meaning one of the older ones (and for whomever inevitably trips over this thread in the future), there is a general article as well.

The bad thing is these things are usually time sensitive so if you’re missing any of the older ones and are just now realizing it, I don’t believe there is any recourse at this stage of the game. And too, there is this disclaimer:


Even with above being said, there is actually a ticket path for people having issues with receiving drops from Twitch/Youtube. If you want to give it a shot, you can submit that here:



I am aware of the issue with the Hippogryph but that isn’t what is going on here or what I said. As stated in the OP I have not recieved ANY of them, not that I got a different one. I have claimed every single Twitch drop that has been released for WoW and not one of them shows in my collection (toys/mounts)

As I investigated further it seems that I haven’t received any of the drops that I have claimed via twitch.

I can try that but based on previous searches on the forums nothing seems to happen and they end up just pointing fingers back at Twitch. Thanks.

I’ve seen some people who ended up getting their items, I’ve seen those who they were unable to assist. I’d suggest going in with low expectations, but you’re no worse off for giving it a shot. I do wish you luck!


From what I can see, Kickwithfist, you have the Blazing Hippogryph license on your account. That is why I mentioned it, because I can see it. I’m not certain why you cannot see or access it, but it is on the account.

If the Hippogryph doesn’t show up after a time, I would report it as a bug.

Unfortunately, if you don’t have any of the other previous drops we generally do not have a means to verify that or award them.


No mount to be found in game. This twitch drop is a scam. Waste of 4 hours. Ridiculous.

Update from Tech Support:

If it’s been more than the 24 hours in the Support article, check this out.


I claimed mine last night and haven’t received it yet either. My Bnet and Twitch are linked, although I also get the error message. Should it matter whose Twitch stream I was watching? I am in the US, but watched Echo’s stream during RWF. I claimed it via that one last night.

If Twitch allowed you to claim the drop, the stream(s) you were watching should have been eligible.

As fas as anyone can tell, this is not a problem with making the drop claim; it seems like something in the handoff between Twitch and Blizzard.


Be sure to submit a ticket if you haven’t already.



As relevant now as it had been back with the Fel drake.

Claiming the drop on Twitch is supposed to flag your WoW account for the drop “license” to be added. Sometimes there is a blip in the matrix that delays this or there is some miscommunication between Twitch’s system and Blizzards. It’s why it’s been told to reach out to Twitch to resend the claim. It’s why sometimes unlinking and relinking the accounts somehow fixes the issue. There hasn’t been any real definitive reason why sometimes it takes five minutes for one thing to be delivered, 36 hours the next between the Fel drake drop to this one.



There are a few of these threads now, and this one is from last week so I’m going to close it.