Missing Transfer Currency button

Currently there is no transfer button when you click on the Residual Memories currency. It was there prior to downloading this latest pre-patch content but that shouldn’t have affected it, I wouldn’t think. Anyway, NONE of my characters currently have the button to move the memories to alts or otherwise. Please help?

EDIT: Yes, I have already tried, logging out and back in, restarting WoW entirely, and my pc, as well as checking numerous characters.

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having that issue not just out of the residual memories but all currencies that transfer.


Blizz has disabled all currency transfers for now.

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I’m having the same issue.

Have this issue, but with all warband currency, Asked in guild and everyone has this problem there too.

They have disabled the currency transfer feature. There were bugs with the system not working and causing items to poof.

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Looks like someone found another sploit, and it got shut down until fixed.

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Posting link for reference.

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Blizzard got their panties in a twist when people started duping the memories … it seems this is such a game-breaking problem the whole playerbase has been screwed over with only a few days left for this total non-event of duping a junk currency.

/golfclap Blizz

Blizzard once again fails to properly test a feature, or patch. They had MONTHS where they could have tested this but they couldn’t be bothered to do so to ensure that everyone has a good play experience. Instead, they create a currency that’s only good for a short time, intended to be used to get gear for characters that didn’t have good gear in preparation for the new release, and the feature needed to make this work to get gear for alts is broken, and removed.

Way to show your incompetence, Blizzard.

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Blizz be like : fun detected must nerf !!!

Same issue with all currencies.

Of course. The devs disabled currency transfers for all currencies.