Missing TONS of items from Guild Banks, Can blizzard please acknowledge so we don't have to stress!

For me, hundreds of battle pets, transmog items, materials, all gone. I opened a ticket, but it was closed and gave me a link to search online for an answer. Day three for me…


I’m so afraid to open my Guild Bank. O,o

I have stuff I’ve been carrying around for ages. Grey items some folks wouldn’t think important, but I love my rocks, ears, piece of violet glass, pocket lint. I’m so concerned it’ll be missing. :sob: There’s a book from the Uldum dungeon that mentions something like “How to serve Trog”-- “How long have these guys been down here?” It’s my most treasured item. :sob:


Also missing tons of items from guild bank

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Same and in another similar post a community manager claims that they are aware of it. I am so confused on how this issue even happened and what the remedy will be if they can not recover the lost items. I have a guild bank for every expansion as well as one for pets and another for transmog. I realize the people that make this game are human and are capable of error but, transparency would go a long way to easing players.


All of the things are still gone and no acknowledgement from Blizzard. I’m posting in every related thread. Maybe if they all bump to the top someone will be forced to respond.


Yes, I have been checking daily hoping for any news. Still nothing has changed.

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