Missing Skill Points "Recrafting"

Thrying to recraft a guild members Cloth Shoulders on my tailor, I am completely unable to do so. Due to “50” missing skill points in the recraft window.

If I were to make a new item I would have 271 skill points while in the recraft window it shows only 221 skill points.

Nowhere do I recall anywhere that recrafting adds difficulty or that there is a node to improve recrafts.

This was the first result when I googled ‘recrafting’ on this forum so apologies for the three day necro, but I’m also having this issue. So is this person in the profession forums. Slippers of the woven dusk: cant choose stats? - #9 by Zibbo-ragnaros

I think recrafting may be borked in general.

Here I am crafting a blacksmithing toolbox. You can see in the screenshot I have 105/105 skill (Dark Iron Dwarf Racial), a blue tool and a blue accessory, all relevant profession trees maxed, and R3 materials. With no modifications or extras, I am sitting at 506 skill (required 505) and can comfortably R5 the toolbox.


Now here is the exact same blacksmith recrafting another alt’s toolbox. Absolutely nothing has changed, and yet my skill has suddenly plummeted to 380 and I am unable to go higher than R4 without a BoP +40 Artisan’s Consortium Seal of Approval.


I suspect one of three things is happening here:

  • The UI is glitched and if I click ‘craft’, I’ll get an R5 toolbox as I should. This has happened before in Dragonflight (see this post).
  • Recrafting is bugged and not calculating skill properly.
  • There’s a hidden skill tax on a recrafted item, like there was in Dragonflight, for the first item being made with R2 materials. If so, this isn’t a bug, but a blue post would be helpful for clarification purposes.

Edit: in the interests of science and/or bug-testing, I clicked ‘recraft’ and got an R3 toolbox. RIP that expensive r3 ironclaw alloy, wasted due to a bug. Notably, however, my skill increased on the next recraft to 456. This suggests to me that the hidden tax still applies, with inferior first craft items weighing down recrafting attempts until they are “replaced” by enough recrafts. Could a dev kindly confirm whether or not this is a bug or working as intended?


If it is working as intended this is information that needs to be communicated to the community before they get too much gear crafted with R2 mats and find themselves being, in their eyes, unfairly penalised by crafters when they want the item upgraded.