Missing Recipes: Enchanted Thorium

I was showing a guildmate the Blacksmithing repertoire of one of my oldest character toons and when I went to show her one of my points of pride, the Enchanted Thorium set, I noticed it was nowhere to be found. Blizzard’s never going to reinstate this set like it did the BC weapons, and while I do have it in my appearances I want to be able to make copies for my friends. I don’t have any idea when this disappeared because it’s never been an issue since I haven’t had to make anything that old. Frankly, I’ve found out a great deal of the stuff I can make hasn’t been actually added to my appearances despite times I know I’ve had or worn the items. I’m fine with that much not being recorded, but losing these recipes actually upsets me.

Oh. I forgot. This is on my Alliance character Asenkya on Moon Guard

Some of the old Blacksmithing recipes “disappeared” when Cata was released and they removed the separate paths for Blacksmithing and Leatherworking.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t sound like this is going to be a situation that the Game Masters will be able to help out with :frowning:

Restorations of any kind require verification through game logs. If you had crafted some of the pieces recently, for example, we could use that to verify that you had the plans and restore it.

However, these plans were quest rewards and in the Cataclysm expansion those quests were removed. So there is no way for our Game Masters to confirm that your character had them. I’m sorry!


You could put in a suggestion that they put the plans back in the game in some fashion. :slight_smile:


Forgive me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t there something a bit back about some recipes that went away or whatnot like this potentially showing up during Timewalking events on respect vendors? Whether it was a data-minedvthing or a definitive - I could have sworn I read that somewhere along the way.

Of course it wasn’t explicit of what may come back, but it was something they were looking into?

It was data-mined for 9.1 but isn’t showing up on the loot table.