Missing Netherwing Reputation

Hi! I’ve been doing a bunch of old world, completionism style activities while we wait for TWW. I recently was trying to do the Netherwing rep grind on my Priest. Base on the reputation guide on WoW Head (https://www.wowhead.com/tbc/guide/netherwing-reputation-mounts-burning-crusade-classic-wow).

Their guide implies that by completing the quests Ally of the Netherwing that I should be given 42,000 reputation pushing me to Neutral standing:

“The quest Ally of the Netherwing will grant +42,000 Netherwing reputation, increasing the player’s standing to Neutral.”

I ran the console command below to verify that I’ve completed the quest and it returns true:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(10870))

My priest shows 2,432/3,000 rep into Hostile…what gives?


Do you also need Aldor rep?

There is a known issue that is being looked into. I’m afraid we don’t have a workaround at the moment.


Sounds good! Do you know if there’s a proposed solution? I’m stuck in a position where I wont be able to gain rep without a rollback or rep credit or something.

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I imagine that is part of the discussion, but I don’t know any details.


Didn’t they say that the rep is being awarded and tracked, but it’s just a display issue? Something to do with Warbands? If that’s the case, it would be safe to continue grinding rep. Otherwise, it might be a wasted effort.


if it was just a display issue, people wouldn’t be locked out of certain quests

yes, there is a display error in regards to some reps, but there’s an additional issue which has impacted a handful of factions.


I suspect the actual answer is somewhere between “it’s just a display error” and “the reputation is actually zeroed out”.

The server’s databases appear to have the reputation values stored correctly. (At least, if looking in the Armory is representative.) But the game client isn’t reading it correctly, which leads to both display and functional issues.

That’s just my theory, anyway.

That was something entirely different, and as far as I know has nothing to do with this. I explained that here:


So not safe to continue grinding rep?

Grinding reputation for what? The issue here is for Netherwing reputation and the specifically the quest Ally of the Netherwing completed by Human characters.


Im glad I checked here. I just put this in the bug report forum. Hopefully they can retroactively give back rep because I only play one main character :confused:

For the record, I’m in the same boat. I need to complete the questline for Loremaster and really hoping for a resolution. I think 2,432/3000 is right where I am as well.

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WowHead says its supposed to give us 42,000 rep which will jump us to neutral, it awarded me 38,182. Just tried starting it today, got stuck then found this forum lol hopefully they work it out!


I hope they work it out too, since I am trying to get the Loremaster achievement/title, and I got stuck with this bug. However, since it’s old content, and with TWW coming out soon, I doubt they’ll get to it any time soon since it’s old content unfortunately.

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This is still considered a priority bug, though it likely there are some War Within specific stuff that might need take precedence.

While I cannot speak for development, but my educated guess would be I believe it is mostly a matter of fixing why it is happening (which mostly seems to be an issue with the reputation being based on the original racial reputation bonus) and how to address the issue of those who did not receive the full amount of reputation when completing the quest. They usually look for retroactive solutions, but those can be complicated.


Vrakthis’ and Melaesia’s posts are the answer.

This one has nothing to do with the display issue, which is primarily cosmetic (though I believe there are other reports in the bug report forum about something else). This is specifically for Human reputation gain from the “Ally of the Netherwing” quest that grants enough reputation to start doing the dailies, etc…


To expand, all players get 42,000 rep to get to Neutral. But with the Human racial “Diplomacy”, humans were given less reputation, so they would start at the same 0/3,000 Neutral as everyone else.

Now that Diplomacy has been removed, the amount Humans get was not adjusted to the 42,000. It remains at 38,182 (38,182 plus 10% of 3,818 = 42,000), and it gives no path for a Human character to get to Neutral to start the questline.

Players just need to be patient while they work on a resolution. It takes a little bit of time.


Thanks for the information. I did not know that. Thankfully my exalted on my main appears to have stayed.

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