Missing Items from Guild Bank

Almost all the items in my guild bank are missing. The guild is Blades of Remembrance.

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same here my own personal guild bank at least 90% of items missing and i dont want to hear Blizzard that you dont know whats happening ive read 1000s of posts people saying the same thing and no i cant tell you precisely whats missing all i know its mining herbs and skinning from all the expansions plus some bags and armor and weapons

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This is from a similar post.


Add your issue to the thread in Bug Reports.


So two days ago, I was playing and I noticed that a bunch of items in my guild bank were locked and unable to be withdrawn. I put in a bug report to Blizzard and today… I logged in and all the locked items were just gone… so yeah… :frowning: I’m guild master of the guild. A bunch of materials from all xpacs are just… gone. I’m literally devastated. Really, really hoping this can be fixed.

I’m one of those people who keep more than one bank toons with their own guilds and so far, I’ve noticed that TWO of them have a TON of missing items. I keep many old mats for various crafting (mostly for mogging and such) and was dismayed to see so much missing.

I haven’t looked at the vault of the ACTUAL GUILD I run but it’s probably a good thing that I noticed it on my own bank toons first - seeing this many missing items from an actual GUILD with many members could cause a ton of drama, ESPECIALLY since the GUILD VAULT LOG has NOT worked in a long time. Sure, you see the occasional record (though not necessarily in order) but most are from MONTHS ago, which, when you have an actual guild with people, is important information.

I very much hope that the items are NOT actually missing and if so, while the better option is to get it back in any way, I’m also dreading having them IN MY MAIL BOX that I will have to sort and put back. I’m very much hoping they will all show up where they were in the actual vault.