Hello, i purchased the new $30.00 mount bundle with the 600 trader tender i received the mounts but i did not receive the 600 tender what should i do?
Have you gone to the tender box? Should be in there. At least, would be a good place to start checking.
It looks like it is there to me, Adwile. You should have 1195 currently. If you’ve already visited the chest to pick up the Tenders it might just take a little while to update.
I didn’t get either, and the chest has nothing for me
my chest don’t have anything nor my mail. my currency tab currently says 595 ill check again after i complete part of the monthly tender but like you mentioned maybe it takes a bit for the game to recalculate itself?
That is my best guess right now. I’ve checked those who posted in this thread and I can the 600 tenders and the order it is attached to and the new total.
Hopefully it’s just taking a bit of time, so let’s try to give it a few hours.
i didn’t get them either. i had 1075 before i bough the bundle and now have the same.
edit: they are there now!!!
I am having the same problem. They are not at the chest at the Trading Post and nothing added. Will wait a bit to let you know if it updates.
i restarted my game client just now @Vrakthris it is in my currency tab now thank you alot for your assistance
This didn’t work for me, but will keep waiting
Thanks for the update on this!
My account definitely says I received them in my virtual wallet found in the bnet account settings, but yeah they just haven’t shown up in-game yet.
took a while for mine as well, but they eventually showed up in my balance in game.
Alright, it looks like there was an issue with an acknowledgement in-game. A hotfix was pushed which should resolve that. Try logging out for 15 minutes and it should update the status.
I just made the purchase. It shows in my account that the purchase went through even though it said there was an error on the page after the transaction. I went ingame and I don’t see the mount or the tenders.
I didn’t get an email though.
I see the purchase request, Starlagosa, but it looks like it is still pending.
oh, wow, ok, ty.
Keep an eye on your transaction page. Once the state of the purchase changes you should see the products in-game, assuming it completes. If it fails the page should reflect that.
ty so much, will do.
Ah, it seems they didn’t accept my purchase, the transaction disappeared. I might try again tomorrow.