Missing Characters

Returning player here. I am having a hard time locating my old charcters. The server I think they were on, benediction, is not in the server list anymore and I cant find any information on where those characters were dumped.

I read that there was a purge of inactive account characters. I had a load of sub 20s still on the account. Is it still possible that a once max level character got the digital dirt nap while an alt did not?

Am I doomed to reroll or can the character me found/ restored?

Benediction is a Classic Era & a Cataclysm Classic realm. Is that where you are looking?



Launcher game list


It looks like you recently logged into an Undead Warlock on the Benecition, Alkalin. The character is part of Cataclysm Classic.

Your other Classic characters appear to be there too.

For Modern World of Warcraft your realms are mostly Area 52 and Nordrassil.


Bingo! Nordrassil! Thats it. Funny the serevr select does not show it as populated.

As for the classic character, logging in. That was me trying to hunt him down via the stuck option to send a character tl a graveyard.

Thank you so much for the help. I greatly appreciate it.

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If you haven’t logged into a realm for a long time it may no longer show how many characters are on the realm. We also have the upgrade to the Warband system with the War Within expansion that might mess with the display a bit.

That should update once you log into the realm.

Welcome back, Alkalin. Glad we could help.