Missing characters from selection screen

Its not about not caring its about what they can or cant do which is set by the developers there area very small few cases lime yours where the gms are given permission to restore.


damn lucky man, im on response 3 trying to get my character restored, already unsubbed though, have the epic edition TWW with no intention of playing its quite sad, but gotta vote with my wallet

It’s more likely that whatever was preventing them from assisting folks has been waived by the dev team. There aren’t “lucky” or that sweet spot GM who does things because they care more than the first three. Their jobs are ruled by the protocols set down by the Devs and the Powers That Be. I’m sure the GMs would sincerely love to solve every single players’ issues in their favor without hesitation, but it doesn’t work like that. And it’s not their fault they cannot, there are guidelines and protocols they have to follow or they’re not employed anymore.


whelp they need to baseline the action and restore my character if thats the case hehe if Hakim got his toon back, no reason I shouldnt get mine.

If you want that to happen, a ticket is the only route. The forums isn’t that route.

ticket is open and has been for at least 5 days, just keep getting the automated response they cant do anything about the issue they created :slight_smile:

That’s the party line. I don’t know how there are GMs who can fix this if they get the ticket, when the current official policy is “we can’t fix it yet”.

Maybe they’re GMs who aren’t worried about getting busted for breaking policy?

It may have nothing to do with policy. The specific situation for each toon is likely slightly different. For some a restoration may be easy. For others, much more involved.

I’m sure you will as soon as they’re able.


Special circumstamces and case by case and they ahve to get developer permission which isnt as easy as it sounds.


can you give me the name of the GM who helped you so I can reference this in my ticket??

Referencing a specific GM will not change wether a GM can help or not. Right now, it seems that GMs are not permitted to restore characters unfortunately.

You’re welcome to put in a ticket and see, but we’ve not seen a lot that a GM can do right now.


This is also very easy to setup on Mac, and (in my very limited experience), linux.

If this player says they had their toon restored post-prepatch of the feature being disabled it is absolutely critical to know why one GM did it for someone else but cant do it for others.

To be frank, it won’t really changed anything as we don’t know the background info that’s only seen by GMs/devs. We don’t know if it was something that was being worked on and just now being done or something else fully. There isn’t a magic phrase to say to have it happen.

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Change in policy would be the reason. GMs follow rules that are set out for them. At some point, the rule changed.


within the past few weeks? interesting. still would like to know that GMs name if the individual replies.

Even if you was told, tickets are pulled by any GM that happened to be freed up. There isn’t any way to get X worker over someone else. And can’t request a given one as stated above on how their system works.

but if i was told, as a customer it gives me some firepower to ask the question of why did a player who had X GM work on their ticket get the character restored if CS is supposed to be unable to help? dont understand how its hard to see the value in knowing why someone took an action when its been publicly stated that CS cant help with these request.

can a blue please look at the ticket history of this Hakim guy and validate his claims? and if he has gotten a character restored post disabling of the restore tool, discuss internally with GM resources why/how? then give me a real response on my ticket in game?

but anyways… ill just stay unsubbed, this company continues to show how bad its fallen. all i can do is vote with my wallet and not be a simp. hopefully on my ticket i can get a credit or a refund for this past month.

Overall, Goonrage, our staff is hands off on this. We cannot restore characters at this time. There are some exceptions, if conditions are right with proper approval, then it may be escalated.

They likely met those conditions.

As previously mentioned in the other thread, we hope to have the character undelete option enabled as soon as it is possible and safe to do so.