Missing Characters for Forums

Wanted to check here before I put in a ticket. But it looks like I’m missing several of my characters from my account here on the forums when I go to post and if I click Change Character, only a portion of them show up. They also don’t come up if I search their name either, but they exist cause… well, I’m on one right now as we speak in game.

Is this a known issue that’s being worked on that I’ve missed topic wise or is it some sort of glitch/bug since I also joined the PTR for the Pre-patch. (I joined but only copied my DK, so I dunno why that would effect other characters.)

No, I’m fine.

But seriously, it’s a current bug that a lot of people are suffering from. It may or may not get fixed at some point in the future.


Oh good, I was worried something happened to you!

But also good to know, thank you kindly for the hasty response!

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Also, bear in mind that characters need to be 20 or higher to show up in the character list for the forums.

No, it’s not just you.

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Sometimes I get locked into only being able to post on my Classic characters. When that happens I usually have to log out, clear my cache, and wait a few minutes.

i doubt a gm is going to be able to do anything about your forum issues.

Wasn’t asking for a GM to come help or look. I was asking the people here in the forums if this was a known issue or not. Since it seems to be known, then I’m gonna wait and see what unfolds and if I end up seeing that I need to put in a ticket for it, I will.


Tried that, doesn’t seem to have helped. But I’m not a massive forum user/goer either, I just realized the issue so it won’t hurt me to much to wait and see how things unfold.

and yet… twice now, you’ve mentioned opening a ticket.

tickets go to game masters.

if you’ve got a forum issue, use the forum based options… so your problem goes to the right people.

Yup, I’m currently experiencing the same issue.