I completed the Catalyst quest last week but now I cant get the 2nd one on any of my characters. Does anyone else have this issue?
I’m not sure if it’s missing or if I’m just looking in the wrong spot because I couldn’t find it either.
Yeah I tried to check on all my characters but none of them have the quest.
Wowhead reported earlier that it can be picked up near the great vault.
Its not there for me still on any of my characters. I did the revival questline also to see if it would pop and still nothing
I’ll check next time I login, thank you!
Have you checked the quest giver next to the catalyst itself, too? The article sounded like you could only pick it up there before the change, so maybe it is also there. I haven’t been in game since maintenance to check mine just yet.
You’re welcome! I hope it’s there for you!
Yeah I’ve been checking on all my toons if its next to the vault or if its at the catalyst itself. Nothing though. My friend had it next to the vault though.
I was only able to see/pick up the second quest on the character that completed the initial breadcrumb quest. Pretty dumb for an account wide quest.
Where did you see the quest at? I did the breadcrumb quest on everyone and I still dont see it.
Ok this was my issue. I originally did the quest on an alt so it showed up after switching to said alt.
Where was the quest at for you?
My alt was parked near the catalyst so I just went there. There was a quest icon on the map as well for it.
Very weird. I tried all my characters and none of them have it.
Did you ever figure it out? The same thing is happening to me.
Same issue. Checked both places with all of my alts and found nothing.
Same for me…
Held my Week 1 Charge to see what vault gave me… Opened vault and no quest for second charge? Used my first charge and still no quest has appeared on my main or any alts for second. Seems an issue for it not to show?
Also unable to get this week’s Catalyst quest… Never spent the last week point… Put in a Blizz ticket and they have been completely unhelpful giving me a generic response basically saying I need help finding the quest giver and to check Wowhead/Icy-Veins.
I also completed the first week quest and cannot find the second week quest on any toons. Have checked near the vault and at the catalyst.
I got a GM response for this finally stating that this is a known issue, but to report it on my ingame character to see if something specific had happened. Guessing this means we’re out of luck for this week