Misery loves company

I would have been the best level 5 the world has ever known. I would have rivaled level 6s, evwn 7s, in prowess!

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I am over 50 and still playing WoW, and now they have all these young Beta Testers coming in taunting having fun in classic. Where are all the old timers with their Betas huh? hiccup ā€¦ I ask you is it fair? hiccupā€¦ My money must not be good enough hiccupā€¦ Too old and washed up. Ouch! I am outta drinkā€¦

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April 2005ā€™er hereā€¦ I was so naive, thinking I even had a chanceā€¦

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Did you call?

Iā€™m done here.

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:beers: :beers::beers: :beers::beers: :beers::beers: :beers::beers: :beers::beers: :beers::beers: :beers::beers: :beers::beers: :beers::beers: :beers::beers: :beers:
I feel better now.

However there is a cap on the number of PTR accounts, and having 2 means you CANNOT get into Beta, because they canā€™t add a 3rd.


Is that true? I have two WoW accounts on my battle net (though only one has an active sub.) My ptr is listed as WoW 3. So am I just screwed?

Two accounts is fine. Two PTR accounts is not. I currently have 8 accounts listed. 6 are live, 2 are PTR.

I misunderstood. Didnā€™t even know you could have more than one ptr account.

Ok, back to just bad luck. If karma is a real thing I must have been a real piece of :poop: in a past life.

Im in the beta but im still a reject in real life, can i join?

I chased this up with Customer Support (and even had to prod them to look further), and it turns out the fact that I have 8 game accounts is whatā€™s blocking me from any invites.

So Iā€™m getting the 2 PTR ones removed.

Battle Net

Well, good luck going forward.