Misery loves company

We’re just playing the waiting game now fellas, we’ll be dungeoneering together soon enough though.

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Bring on the throat punch baby, make it count, knock me out until August.




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Can I be here even though I’m not subbed?

All are welcome.


Yes but you have to buy the first round


If you insist. :beer:

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Woohoo! Even best buddy Galdor?

Don’t feel like being an unpaid bug-reporter.

Im just sitting here at work, listening to the vanilla wow soundtrack and browsing the classic forums out of just sheer withdrawals I am suffering from recently ending my subscription in preparation for classic to abaorb my free time. I wish I was invited… Twitches rapidly
oh well!
Cheers :beers:

I told myself I wouldn’t drink… Ok maybe just one. :beers::beer::beers::beer::beers::beer::beer::beers::beer::beer::beers::beer::beer::beers::beer::beers::beer::beer::beers::beer::beer::beer::beers::beer::beers: Drinks later…


Idk about you guys but I’m already getting my Classic Experience. Signed up for beta way back when, had to wait till release before I got in.

Edit: Wait I Taken that back, I was able to play it at a friends house, I forgot about Taurens mount and how they didn’t have one.

I did play the demo, but they started us with lots of green armor and some gold which hamstrung the experience.

Listen, once you tap there’s no cap.

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Got my client downloaded, but can only see the Classic Stress Test server. It’s greyed out. Am I still a reject at this point?

I just want an invite to the beta, stress test, anything! jeeze. Im a loyal customer since 2006, I dont have that account anymore but jeeze

I’m continuing to refresh my app even with these silly tornado sirens going off outside!

I don’t know if I can play wow anymore till Classic… I will just watch ttwitch streamers haveall the fun darnit. hiccup… here’s mud in your eye /shot /shot