MISDIRECT Tue/Thur 9p-11p raid

Looking for any dps mains w/ off spec heals to join our raid team.
Currently 7/10H sanctum.

About Us

Misdirect is a raiding guild looking to expand its roster. We are a small knit group of big personalities with a lot of heart. We are a heroic raiding guild that achieves AotC every tier. Come join the fun! We also run keystones and pvp through the week.

Days and Times

Tues/Thurs 9pm-11pm EST


7/10 H Sanctum
10/10 N Sanctum

10/10 H Castle

Raider Expectations


Knowledge of the class you are playing

Sockets gemmed and gear enchanted

Openness to performance discussion

Repaired and Bonus rolls acquired before raid

Min ilvl 226 to raid, any ilvl for other content.

Main spec Legendary at least rank 1

Required Addons


Exorsus Raid Tools

DBM or Bigwigs


Openly recruiting dps mains with off spec heal ability for raiding, keystone runners, and genuine players of all backgrounds.

All Roles and classes welcomed. If you’re interested in raiding, maybe even for the first time, we have a strong base of players to help you. If earning that AOTC each tier is your thing, then join us for the good times and good cheaves.

Reach out to us in game

Ell - CoGM - ElllohElll#1798

Nytis - Nytis#1984

Still looking for more players that are interested in joining a raid guild now in preparation for Shadowlands. Meet our team, get your AOTC, and enjoy Azeroth with our laid back grp. We’ve earned AOTC each tier all while only raiding 4 hrs a week.

We run keystones, some pvp, visions, and really have fun while chatting in discord. DM a member today. Raid night coming soon so get your place. 4-5 palaces left in our 30man grp.

Interested in a H priest? the times look good!

We just picked up a healer, but if you’d be happy as a dps we’d still enjoy having you? And if you’d still like to heal, we could use more healers who like keystones.

A few raider dps positions available. Keystone runners and all around altitis socialites welcome as well.

What key ranges does your guild do? I’m interested in a guild that has the ability to do the M+15 range but isn’t toxic.

Also, are there specific classes/specs you guys seem to lack? Exp; don’t want to roll a rogue and join a guild that has 15 rogue mains. Lol. Let me know, thanks y’all.

Still looking for dps. Range dps players are a plus!!!

Hello. Im interested in joining. The raid time works perfectly for me.

Im 11/12H, currently at 466ilvl, 84 neck and maxed cloak
Frost Mage main, but open to play other specs

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I’ll be on around 830p realm time. We raid at 9p. If you can please reach out to either Ell or Mya via bnet. Good chance one is on or can be to chat in game with you. Their btag are in the original post.

Hi! 470 Resto/Guardian 3/12M :slight_smile:
Bnet : xChokolate#1426

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Looking for a main spec Shadow Priest that is open to the occasional healing time during raid. We’re full on healers, but on occasion one may be out for real life reasons.

Come chat with us in your old gods language while in Void form!

Still looking for a shadow priest raider.

Where are the spriest hiding at?

Still looking for a spriest.

Spriest for raid, any other class for keys.

Open to any dps with off spec heals.

Looking for any dps with off spec heals.

Still looking.