[A] resto Druid LF casual adult guild

Hello all

I am looking for an adult guild basically where I fit in. I can’t seem to find a home in BFA. I love healing and its why I still play at this point. Want to find a guild that raids does mythics and has some laughs. I put the time into my toon but I don’t take myself or the game over serious its still supposed to be fun. I am on a lot during the day not a ton at nights unless something is scheduled. Please let me know if any guilds like this still exist and ned a druid healer. Will be staying ally on the druid as well. Contact info is blow.

Bnet: Synisizm#1704
Discord: Synisizm#8091

When I log on later this evening I’d like to chat with you. I’ll add you to my btag. In the mean time you can find out a bit about us at