Mirror of humility.... thats what we wanted the red skin options

Cant say anything more then the title. that toy at the end of the quest is what we all wanted for options as a red goat. felcracked skin. yet we only got the red tint.


Be happy with what you got? Could be worse like surely this didn’t need to be a post

dude what are you even saying. why compromise to something so little when it could have been so much more??

this is the great sanlaynn darkfallen debate all over again. i cant settle for mediocrity. blizzard clearly got allot of responses asking for this specific customization option yet i guess it missed them completely?


It would’ve been nice to have gotten the extra options, and the fact that they made a toy for them means Blizzard hasn’t forgotten about them.

I really do wonder if they’re saving those for DH only options when they open the class.


I’ll never complain about more options…but I got exactly what I wanted/expected with the 2 red skin types, multiple hair color options…and those new eye colors that I’ll probably never use.

Those purple eyes that don’t glow weird me out.

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id kill for a blue post saying that.
communication between blizzard and its fan base never goes right tho.

datamined third skin missing urks me.

Oh the like pinprick pupil ones? I love it, mad tiefling vibes.

That’ll probably never happen. Best we can hope is that they turn up in datamining whenever they’re coming. My dream is that they add red fel orc skins next, and open up DH to both races.


Yeah, I am kinda disappointed that we didn’t get options for Fel Crack skin for the Red Man’ari skins, but hopefully that will come down the pipe some time down the road. Of course, not any time soon since 10.1.5 gave us Draenei Locks, and 10.1.7 gave us this customization. They’ll have to give other races a turn next. :stuck_out_tongue:

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My point was blizzard devs obviously care less about this than you why complain over a WIN. I mean undead are an original race and those no hunch posts have been around for a decade now

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Should have been a Horde allied race! Woulda gotten all the bells and whistles if it was an allied race, including racials!

The red eredar you help has green cracks in his skin but you can’t use that.


data mining is a double edge sword. as evident by the third skin option not being in game.

theyll have to attend to blood elves next. again… and again…

i see this as no win but a half cocked " fine, here " from the devs. just like sanlaynn. just likee high elves. missing the marker by a mile yet they get cheered for doing the attempt.

id be down for it to be full fledged race instead of a skin tone. more customizations would have come that way.

Haven’t seen many point it out but using the man’ari skin does change the racial heal to be green instead of yellow, which is a nice touch.

Eh, I wouldn’t go that far. Missing the extra option is disappointing, but what we did get is still pretty great.


I’m not a fan of allied races that should have been skin options (despite my love of dark irons). It feels like a waste to me.



The way Draenei’s eyes are supposed to look…


The way those weird dead eyes look, lol…



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Best not to engage. It’s all just condescending dismissal from that one, usually paired with insults, just to troll.

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i cant say its great. seriously cant. its a step towards greatness yet misses.
idk what problems could have arose by making npc options avalible to PC but i feel like that would have been the greatness allot of fans desired.

Agreed. I was ready to race change if these fel customizations had been included. Unfortunate, but it is what it is.

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I don’t think it’s problems. I thought they were cleansed from being demons? I haven’t done the questline.

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def should do the questline. its… so strange.