Mirror of humility.... thats what we wanted the red skin options

I may have missed something as i tend to rush through quests, but i didn’t witness any cleansing. Just repentence as the toy implies.

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So they added playable demons instead of cleansing them? :rofl: Figures.

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That’s why I said for Horde. Lightforged was silly, giving Alliance 2 sets of Draenei. Same with Mag’har, Highmountain, Mechagnome and Dark Iron. But if they were somehow for the opposite faction it’d make sense fir giving that faction access to new races, like Nightborne and Void Elves.

Plus, imo it makes more sense for manari to be Horde anyway. Velen might be forgiving, but I’m willing to bet there’s still a lot of Draenei that can’t forgive them. Plus there’s that whole Lightforged Draenei having been at war with the Manari for a millennia thing…

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My tinfoil theory is they didn’t add fel cracked skin because that’s a DH customization. This will differentiate a regular red draenei from a draenei DH, as I don’t truly believe this class will be forever locked to elves.


if they outwardly stated that id cease all complaints. undoubtably that would be a fine addition to dh drenei yet, this left in the air situation urks me.

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I think the reality is that they didn’t add the felcracked skin is because that it wasn’t a skin option slapped onto Draenei to begin with. It might be an entirely different NPC model, so it’s not as simple as allowing a pallet swap. They might add those options in the future once they get around to putting those options on the player model of Draenei. My 2 cents.

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It would have been nice. But they can always add it later. Love what we have now. I do feel like we could have gotten a bit more. Like an eredar heritage armor sort of thing. But it’s still nice. Alliance only content. Alliance got undead night elves which horde still don’t have. And they got now red skin. Which horde still don’t have but multiple races had options of (kelfin, red orcs, fel blood elves, etc).

Love my eredar warlock. Sort of conflicted on making more eredar characters though due to lack of character spots. Wanted to make a priest, rogue, and mage. But I would have to sacrifice some of my characters for them sadly.

im happy with what we got but i guess it would’ve been better to have the fel-corrupted ones too

Well you keep deleted characters pretty much forever at this point. I’m sure you could find a character you haven’t played in a long while and delete them, and then cycle the characters out every week if you feel so inclined.

I have some lightforged dranei that I’m thinking of deleting for the dranei… I just wish they would mix those two honestly to save some character space and let me mog fel/holy whenever I feel like it honestly.

Blizz tried to get away with every little thing. We kept giving them every inch and they kept taking more so i agree with you. No more. They get called out on everything.