Minor Tweaks to Wotlk PvP

Please explain what is so hard about feral? Cloning/rooting/charging the offtarget?? Mashing shred?

I don’t play feral and I don’t know how hard it is to play but they have a lot of things they can do which raises the skill ceiling significantly. They seem to use their instant cast procs much more than enhances who seem to never use instant hexes from maelstrom.

Yeah, I mean I think that’s true. PVP would still be much less popular than raiding even if it was in its best state ever, but Wrath is very punishing to people who don’t have the game knowledge and gear because of how overturned a lot of the classes are. I would assume this leads a lot of lower rated players to think it’s imbalanced trash and check out.

Maelstrom and predatory strikes are similar. Hex has a 45s cd cyclone has 0. If an enh is low health and needs mana he cannot dash around a pillar and press 1 button to regen to full. Your mana regen requires you to melee targets and is also your only real defensive. Barkskin is off the gcd and shamanistic rage isn’t. Feral is easier because you get way more safety nets to survive. Enh at 1200 resil rn feels like my feral at 600.

Yeah I stopped caring on this persons opinion on enhance. It’s clear he or she doesn’t PvP. Enhance is one of the hardest melees to play in wrath, as we are the squishiest melee and easiest melee dps to be kited by casters.

If this person is not seeing enhances use maelstrom to hex, then he must be in such low MMR brackets the enhances are using 1.6 speed weapons.

Lol I mean all I need to say is that enhances only viable comps in 3s are beastcleave turbo and triple dps. Brainless w key comps that require 0 coordination beyond target cloth wearer and dump everything into them. This goes to my original point that if enhance is good this stupid play style is being rewarded which sucks for the game.

So you are just nullifying all melee comps and only caster comps take skill?

Which to me is silly, since in 3s hpal/Ele/enter other meta class dominates melee cleaves. You have to play extremely well as a melee cleave to win against these caster cleave or thunder teams. Both take skill, but thinking you just hit W is false.

Honestly, the hardest class to play is hunter and I respect those players. A great hunter is awesome to watch.

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yeah well the reason that ele hpal x is so meta is largely because of melee cleaves.

l s d/mls/shatterplay/all the other wizard variants that don’t have an hpal can have a pretty rough time with melee comps

tsg is probably the best cleave and it should go at least even with most caster comps that don’t have an hpal

i think hunter lock mage and rogue are the hardest to play at a high level

That sounds like a lot more than a “minor tweak” you’re asking for.

Also despite the many many many changes to PVE, other than the rating requirements I don’t they’ve made any changes, much less balancing, to classic pvp.

Actually they did do a little something in TBC. Added in chastise early to dwarf priest, which was actually interesting. Also the blasted tornadoes, which was a bust, really only good for a laugh. But they stopped. Dunno why. Coulda done like one single thing each season and it woulda prevented it being the stale 1 patch for 4 whole seasons, extreme laziness the classic team is so committed to. Too busy creating megaservers and fleecing the customers I guess. Also no armory, which was promised when season 1 was on the horizon. Like maybe season 2 and on make freedom remove stuns, season 3 make lifebloom cost more mana, season 4 change ooc time from ~6 seconds to ~9. One little thing to keep it alive, changing from season to season beyond gear. Nah. Now wrath has more abilities, more complexity, even more work. Fuggedaboudit.

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