Not sure if this is an undocumented change and working as intended or if it is a bug. With 10.2.5 mining in the Dragon Isles now dismounts me from regular mounts. I have not had that happen before as I could mine without dismount. I do not get dismounted from my dragon riding mount so I am not sure if this was a change or is a bug. Personally I liked being able to mine from my regular mount.
Edit: now i mined a few more times and did not get dismounted. Not sure what is going on or why I was getting dismounted earlier. I was not engaged with anything so it couldn’t have been a combat dismount. So this is random. Sometimes I get dismounted and sometimes I do not. I’m not in any combat so it isn’t a combat dismount. I initially thought maybe I was on fire but it wasn’t that either. It is just a random dismount when mining.
I notice if my mount is slammed all the way to the ground i get the dismount where before i could hover. Also always dismounts in water. It really sucks it was so perfect before. If they want to stop hover-mining just making it not mine would be better than this dismount nonsense.
Also getting dismounted while on regular mount (99 % of the time now) but also about 25% of the time on dragonriding mount. Looked through the profession journal just to be sure that the “can mine while mounted on dragon isles” was still mentioned (it is).
I’ve been doing some experimenting and, from what I’ve seen so far, if you land and mine, you remain mounted. But if you are hovering at all (or floating in water) you dismount. This is with a regular flying mount and not a dragon riding mount. I don’t think you can hover and mine with a dragon riding mount (can you?) but I typically only use those when I have a far distance to fly or want to get somewhere quickly. When mining, looking for tackle boxes, etc., I almost always use a regular flying mount.
Same issue here, getting dismounted everytime when mining. If this was intended, then I firmly believe our mining points should be refunded, because I certainly would use them elsewhere.
just experienced this myself and its annoying as hell. This is on a normal mount as I dont use Dragonflying to gather (or ever if I dont have to), This wasnt a problem last week…
It better be a bug and not a feature.
It’s dismounting me when i’m flying rather than standing on the ground. Prior to this patch I could mine while flying (which I assumed was unintended but welcome).
I’m not sure why they don’t want us to be able to fly while gathering, but at least make it like herbalism and don’t dismount while flying, just prevent collection. This opens us up to falling to our deaths for no good reason.
I agree if it is intended, which i feel like it is, make it to where you can’t mine while flying rather than dismount. I have fallen trying to mine a cliff side and numerous times I have dismounted because I wasn’t quite grounded but it was close enough that I couldn’t tell I was still airborne.
Its broke…I am having the same issue since yesterday …one area I mine a lot has tons of mobs why I liked being able to hoover and mine and not aggro …now its broke…FIX IT BLIZZARD…this is not what we put all those points in our mining journal to have happen now.
Also having same issue of being dismounted when trying to mine in dragonflight on a regular mount. Previously could mine while stationary or hovering pre-patch. Please fix!
Mined for hours today, and half the time my old world mount stayed flying, other times it dismounted me. There seemed to be no regular pattern either way, just random.
Same here in mining but also I’m noticing the “GRAB” distance on herb nodes seems to have shrunk when on a mount, and in Druid Flight form if you aren’t on top of the node the attempt fails & you find yourself with no flowers.
Same here. Prior to 10.2.5, I could mine while flying on a non-dragonriding mount. Now, I am dismounted if I try to mine while flying. Seems I have to be on the ground when mining on a non-dragonriding mount to not be dismounted.
Could we have clarification on whether this is an intended change or a bug? Would also like to know why this change was made if intentional.
There is just no way it’s not a bug, as it is still an advertised perk of getting “Mining Process” to level 35. If they had removed it, it would be part of the patch notes and the text would have been updated accordingly.
I’ve been gathering most of the afternoon. You can still mine and herb while mounted perfectly fine, as long as you are grounded. They corrected the unintended ability to fly while mining, that’s all.
The only thing they need to fix now is the dismounting if you happen to tap a node while not grounded. Give me the same “You are flying.” error message that Herbalism gets instead.
According to many of the reports here, mining while remaining mounted still works, as long as you’re landed. And nothing in the “Mining Process” description makes any promises about mining while hovering, so they could definitely take that away without going back on their explicitly stated word.
And harvesting while hovering was never intentionally allowed before, as evidenced by herb harvesting as a bird druid or in a Skygolem.
I suspect the “harvesting without being landed” was a bug they “fixed”.