Let me guess the playable races are:
-Half-elf for the alliance.
-troldark For the horde.
Half Elves are just an ear feature, which can be implemented for both Blood and Void Elf-race. What people are asking for is a High Elf title and changed Void Elf racials, to represent the subrace for the race.
And I do hope we get bulky Forest Trolls in Midnight.
I bet they just make every elf neutral.
add humans to that list, and i agree!
I’m hoping we get all the races shown in that trailer as playable races, would be nice/better if we didn’t get reskins though
Please god no.
How about San’layn?
No to Half-Elves though, why would you take something better than humans and water it down?
What would the Alliance Get?
Druids of the Flame Maybe? At the very least they should be customization.
Maybe Furbolgs?
Horde Dwarf
Light orcs and dark humans. With lordaeron and the sunwell I’d expect the N side of EK to be reworked which gives a good chance for redeemed undead. As for light orcs, its more of a stretch but I think if they’re ever going to bring them from draenor it’ll be in some big “lost hope” moment where we’re all grateful for the bronze dragonflight allowing us to mess up another timeline.
While that is likely and easy for them to do, it would detract a bit from the roleplay if our character is just a stormwind human with a stormwind accent, but with pointy ears. It would be neat if we can actually be an arathi. Then again, I don’t actually know what accent the arathi have.
oh look horde will get yet another race that can be druid while alliance still sits at 3 total while horde is at 5
and before anyone says yeah but alliance has more paladins…
Alliance: 5
Alliance: 5
horde: 9
I’d be down for both factions to get special Nerubian’s who work similar to worgen having a humaniod form for ooc and a combat form they use for combat that would be cool
Most likely a new class hits Midnight.
inc barrage of lawsuits from hasbro.
Hasbro has devastatingly bad luck lately.
They’re still around???
As I recall they went to poor product in the late 80s…Surpised to see their name again actually.
they own wizardds of te coast.
Although it’s funny the horde compliant is the druid choices are terrible remaining at Tauren and Trolls.
Honestly after middle school apporox 1984 really stopped paying attn to companies like that.
Most of 90s and ealy 2000s are kind of a blur.
Was more into heavy metal music by that time
Yep that’s my theory too.