Half Orc, then we can have a whole patch full of Med’an lore.
Given the character customization options we saw, pretty sure that’s what they are gonna do.
Humans and Kul’tirans are gonna get Pointy ear options, Elves will get round ear options.
I highly doubt, Unless it’s the homies we are meeting in War Within, we are getting Half Elves.
And if we DO get them, they might also go Horde.
Im leaning towards getting nothing
Arathi (the half elves) won’t be a playable race for the Alliance or for the Horde. At best, they will be customizations for Humans, Kul Tiran and Blood Elves.
For the “dark trolls” (Harronir/Haranir), if they become a playable race, they will be a neutral race like Earthen and not a playable race only for one side.
I wanna be able to play the Snek people from Voldun.
Tauren is an easy pick because of the racials. 50% faster herbalism farming.
hmmm…what classic Warcraft class would be a nice magic theme we haven’t seen yet
lets play!
Sounds fantastic but the common compliant is that tauren and trolls are still niche and that there should’ve been blood elf druids.
It’ll be risky but perhaps Kel’thuzad can create playable necromancers.
…and how he’ll be redeemed by the elves. Truly the darkest midnight.
There’s too many elves. Dear god, no more knife ears, PLEASE. It’s such a lazy fantasy archetype.
I would agree but during these times we more players.
Oh, don’t get me wrong here. every Horde race will die out the moment the Blood Elves get Druids.