Mind Flay isn't even taken as a talent

Shadow priests don’t even spec into mind flay anymore. Can we fix this ability to make it on par with mind spike so it’s not a dead talent? It was impactful when you first got mind flay in og classic to level and became better the more talents you got, now it’s just replaced by mind spike and never get to use the glorious flaying of minds.


I don’t think mind flay was used until at least 40 in classic era. Dot/wand was the play well until late 30s mid 40s.


It’s silly talents can’t even compete with runes. 31 points for mortal strike and it hits like dookie compared to some classes runes.


isnt mind flay the only one that slows? seems like it could be situationally useful.


does it have a secondary effect like reducing healing taken?

The pinnacle of warrior might.


300 damage


Nah it’s garbage compared to Rune abilities and there’s no reason to ever use it which is sad. Mind Flay was the poster child spell for Shadow until SoD. It’s where melt faces comes from after all.


People don’t take Mind Flay because there’s zero reason to slow your target. There’s no such thing as kiting.

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I made a suggestion some time ago they add a rune that makes Mind Flay a dot instead of a channel like ‘Master Channeler’ does for drain life on Warlock.

I was promptly kicked in the groin, thrown out the back door, and landed in a puddle of cat urine.


And also it awful damage compare to Mind Spike and doesn’t make your MB auto crit

What raid bosses are receiving heals?

It’s a pvp talent only now for sure, and it’s def worth the 1 point it cost. Its great for slowing down a dotted incoming melee plus it can proc blackout.

Welcome to SoD, your vanilla kit is now trash.


Yeah, the last thing Priests need is another dot…

does mind spike benefit from twisted faith

oh my bad didnt realise they removed pvp from the game. need a new rune to replace skull bash too because its useless on npc’s that dont cast

To more directly respond to this inquiry: Mortal Strike does, indeed, reduce healing received by the target by 50% for 10 seconds. I think it ends up doing less damage than Quick Strike, but that’s irrelevant to your question, as is whether or not bosses are healed.

There is an issue with this debuff, though: PvP is so bursty right now that a lot of people aren’t even bothering with heals. You essentially need healers outnumbering damage dealers for healing in PvP to be massively effective right now. If MS is doing less damage than QS, for a higher rage cost, and people aren’t doing much healing in the first place, it’s a rather “meh” ability in comparison.

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maybe in STV when there’s 100 people around an altar with super lag the healing is not that useful. in bg’s healing is very effective

‘better luck next phase’ - Aggrend


I can’t say anything about WSG, because I grinded that in P1 and haven’t been back in it, but in AB, it feels like you need two healers per DPS for it to matter, or you just need groups that don’t end up as at least 8v8 on one flag.