Flay was never the play.
Flay took a debuff slot in classic, which would troll raids.
And why would you channel Flay when you can cast spike - which is more intuitive, fun, rewarding, and most importantly not a channel
Flay was never the play.
Flay took a debuff slot in classic, which would troll raids.
And why would you channel Flay when you can cast spike - which is more intuitive, fun, rewarding, and most importantly not a channel
Nah, Mind Spike doesn’t gain any benefits from talents or other runes.
(Besides from SW + Darkness and Shadow Form, but all spells/rune benefit from them)
This is what noobs did who wanted to have over 100% of their mana, you would use spells for higher dps and then idle when mana was low.
Mind spike does more damage, can crit and amps mindblast. Flay has situational uses but it low damage and you giving up your mobility for that low damage and a poor snare isn’t smart.
Blizzard could have made each tick of mind flay add crit chance to mindblast , but that would have made too much sense.
Flay was the filler… now Mind Spike fills that role.
I wouldn’t think flay bad for pvp because it can proc blackout instantly as well as kite melee or EFC.
What’s the damage comparison between a twisted faith buffed flay vs mind spike anyway? I like spike for pve, but trying to farm 2 or 3x stacks of it on players before hitting with a mind blast feels bad. Can’t see anyone getting the combo off in a 1v1 situation.
Mind flay scales very poorly
Mind flay is an anti melee PvP CC and nothing more
Because I wanted to melt faces with flay? I play spriest for their cool playstyle in classic. Mind spike is just frostbolt with a wave added onto it, if I wanted to be a caster and not channeler I’d play my mage more.
I get that not everyone wants to play with mind flay, but it’s a core design of classic spriest and not beingg able to use it feels wrong. They can make mind spike benefit from twist of faith and move void plague to compete with mind spike rune. This keeps the damage the same or slightly buffs it but brings back the burst vs dot style choices spriests could make.
Mind flay is useful for maybe a tick here or there. taking it isnt end of world. But mind spike does faster damage. cheaper not that it matters, and syncs with twisted faith better because it makes mind blast crit. With twisted faith a full channel might beat spike. but remember. a 3 sec channel Mflay verse a mind spike 1.5 sec cast. and one being 42 yard range. Also twisted faith is pretty meh when void plague is a thing.
I doubt they’re ignoring mind flay as everyone seems to be QQing about; I suspect, like everything prior, the reason that they’re not addressing it now is because there’s plans for it in future phases. Why rock the boat when shadow is already in a good spot in both pvp and pve.
That sounds kind of cool but at the same time would be incredibly toxic if it was just layered on top of what they have now. Maybe if it came at the expense of something important like void plague.
Can we fix
I see a lot of this on the forums and can only interpret it as can we spam the forums with complain posts until blizzard has to introduce a hotfix to shut us up.
Yes because planning to play a class with no intention of topping dps charts, but wanting to heal my group + cast mind flay was my bad. I knew blizz would shake things up, but I never thought they’d take a core talent in shadow’s tree and just make it obsolete.
If it was done intentionally to remove mind flay from our rotation then I would have at least liked an explanantion as to why they felt shadow priests didn’t want mind flay.
No that was not what noobs did. If you used power word shield on every mob so you could channel a full drain life you had to drink every 1-2 mobs lol.
Mind flay* my bad
“Bro if you spend money you’ll be broke so why not save your money and eat out of a trash can”
Wand dealt less dps than every spells did on every single priest i’ve ever leveled for most of their levels. If you sit at full mana and wand you are getting less exp per hour than a priest who nukes then wands on interval. Literally how do you pretend this isn’t true, and with spirit tap you absolutely do not go oom after 2 mobs, wtf is that.
Bro why are you so fired up lmao. No one used mind flay 1-40 I’m sorry you’re so hurt because of that.
Mind blast+ dot + wand= no down time. Every one I knew put 5 points into want spec lol
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